

此帖子已超过 5 年


2013年3月29日 10:00

EMC DS200B和CISCO MDS9124可否级联?

客户有台老的DS200B交换机,想和新购的CISCO MDS9124级联,我查了些文档,没有太明确的说明,



2 Intern


1.2K 消息

2013年6月6日 21:00

old cat, 你好。我是论坛版主Jason周。我注意到,你的这个帖子被不小心创建在了你的个人的版面内了,所以大家根本都没看到,也当然至今也没回复。至于为什么会发生这样的情况以及如何避免,可参考我写的这个帖子 【帮助说明】如何避免帖子在不经意间被创建在了错误的版面里,导致收不到回复(因为别人看不到帖子)

我现在已把你的帖子移动到中文支持论坛内的 存储系统 版块里了,稍后会有懂交换机的朋友来跟你分享或解答。以后建议先由中文支持论坛首页 用顶部的导航按钮先进入相应的版块,然后用右边操作栏里的“开始一个讨论”来创建帖子提问或者分享,这样创建出来的帖子默认就是在你所在的版块的,避免帖子被无意中创建在了个人版块内

2 Intern


4K 消息

2013年6月7日 20:00

根据E-Lab Interoperability Navigator的数据(关于E-Lab的介绍参考文档:EMC E-Lab Navigator介绍和使用技巧),EMC DS-200B (即Brocade 200E)支持与Cisco MDS 9124的互联,支持的固件版本有:3.3.1c, 3.3.2, 3.3.5, 4.1.1b, 4.2.5, 5.0.1a, 5.0.4, 5.0.4d。

No. Switch Switch
  Firmware Revision
  Management Application Revision
  Switch Firmware
  # Domains per Fabric
  # Hops
  Domain to Domain
Comments Topology
59 Brocade
v6.2.2b Brocade
  CLI, CMCNE 12.0.1, Cisco Fabric Manager , Webtools
  MDS 9124, Cisco MDS 9134
  3.3.2, 3.3.5, 4.1.1b, 4.2.5, 5.0.1a, 5.0.4, 5.0.4d
24 5 8 See2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 FC-SW

2.   Switch Management Application Revision: The use of mixed code revisions in the same fabric should be limited to code upgrade processes only. You must always use the management code rev. associated with the highest level of switch code. 

3.   Switch Management Application Revision: Switch Management versions are backward compatible. You may manage any lower-level switch with a higher level Management Application Revision. 

4.   Max # Hops: The maximum number of ISLs (Inter-Switch Links) a frame needs to traverse between any input port of the fabric to any output port, assuming all ISLs are active (no ISL or switch fault condition is present). This is the maximum number of hops in a fabric. For additional information regarding how to count the number of hops in a fabric, refer to the EMC Networked Storage Topology Guide. 

5.   Max # of Domains per Fabric: The maximum number of switches a Fibre Channel fabric may contain under the current topology limitations. 

6.   The following Cisco and Brocade interopmode configurations are supported

          Cisco's "Interopmode 1" and Brocade's "Interopmode (true)"

          Cisco's "Interopmode 3" and Brocade's "Interopmode (false)" with Core PID enabled

     Please note: Fabric Binding as well as any Brocade or Cisco security features are not supported.

     Other feature limitations may apply. 

7.   These Cisco and Brocade interop configurations are only supported with the Brocade switches operating in "interopmode 0" or Brocade native mode with Core PID set, and the Cisco switches operating in "interop-3"

另外,对于Cisco MDS和Brocade系列互连,MDS系列始终是主交换机(Principal Switch),并发送zone配置到整个光纤网络(fabric)。

