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1 Rookie


4  messages


3 mars 2022 03:00

[Email] Confirmation EMAIL + Téléphone FIXE


Following my order of a G15 Laptop, I received the following email. (See screenshot below)

The offer of the computer is in the Private framework  and therefore should not be submitted in the  Professional framework. (PRO EMAIL Lapsed)

Then I don't have FIXE.


This message is addressed to the Moderator:

1) Could you validate my order. (If need my intervention for action, I will gladly do it)

2) Review your sales procedures because the landline number or EMAIL PRO especially in the Personal Framework (So NOT PRO), is to be reviewed. (Incident ticket opened to the SUPPORT )

3) It would be logical for the sample to be taken when the order is validated and not before. (His obligation to make a request for reimbursement, long live the old Technological ...)






Thanks in advance,

Cordially .

1 Rookie


4  messages

8 mars 2022 10:00

Je vais aller chez le concurrent, voilà tout. 

1 Rookie


4  messages

3 mars 2022 07:00



Ma commandé a été annulé sans avoir le motif.


Quel est la raison ?

Aucun événement trouvé !
