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Joined Sunday, June 16, 2013
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harryb50 • Joined 

June 16th, 2013

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commented on
's post

12 years ago

Is there a secret to getting my cd player on my Inspiron 5421 to open/eject? I have had my dell laptop since April and the disc drive won't open/eject.             

It is opening more often. Thanks for the tip.

posted a question

August 10, 2013

12 years ago

When I owned a Dell desktop it included Roxio Creator to copy cds/dvds but I can't figure what I should use on my Inspiron 5421.

posted a question

August 10, 2013

12 years ago

Is there a secret to getting my cd player on my Inspiron 5421 to open/eject? I have had my dell laptop since April and the disc drive won't open/eject.             

commented on
's post

12 years ago

What media player works best on my new Dell Laptop? I was really surprised that it didn't come with my new laptop,   harry

THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jim.  I found Cyberlink and activated it and now I can watch dvd's.   I placed a shortcut on my desktop since unlike Windows Media Player it does not automatically come on the screen when u put in a dvd. Now I a

commented on
's post

12 years ago

What media player works best on my new Dell Laptop? I was really surprised that it didn't come with my new laptop,   harry

I have a Dell Touch 5421 which includes a DVD player. It works for my cd's but not my dvd's.  I get this message -"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.  Please install a program.......

joined community.

June 16, 2013

commented on
's post

12 years ago

What media player works best on my new Dell Laptop? I was really surprised that it didn't come with my new laptop,   harry

Sorry. I didn't explain myself very good. What I am looking for is a way to play DVD's on my laptop.  I just found out that my Windows 8 laptop does not include a media player to play DVD's or I just can't find it.

posted a question

June 16, 2013

12 years ago

What media player works best on my new Dell Laptop? I was really surprised that it didn't come with my new laptop,   harry

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