Doug Anson, Tec
Joined Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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Doug Anson, Tec

Doug Anson, Tec • Joined 

July 15th, 2009

About me

<p>I have had a fascination with computers since watching my first Star Trek episode in 1968 (I don't think it was a re-run then...)  - I was 3.   My passion within computer science has been and continues to  be software engineering and software architecture design - those who are really good at it are truly artists in my opinion.  </p> <p>I have been working at Dell since 2000 as a software technology strategist. For the past 3 years, my focus has been client linux and alternative OS strategy.  Prior to Dell, I was a software engineer and architect in the oil and gas business  at Landmark Graphics Corp.  While there, I was part of the initial XFree86 development team that brought the PC Unix support of MIT Xwindows into the X11R6 core.  I have a MS in Computer Science from the University of Delaware and a BS in Mathematics from Stephen F. Austin State University. </p> <p>Additionally, I have a love for all things aviation (I think that also came from my Star Trek fascination...). I am a commercially rated instrument pilot with 1200+ hours.  I also enjoy scuba diving, playing guitar, and motorcycle riding. </p>

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