Joined Saturday, November 1, 2008
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ArtC • Joined 

November 1st, 2008

About me

<p>First joined the Dell Forum with my first Dell computer back in the 90's. Since then I have ALWAYS found the Forum a place where there are many individuals who give up much of their time and experience to keep the 'Spirit' of the Forum an excellent place to find and resolve problems. Since then I have had 4 Dell computers. </p> <p>I work in Health care and have done so since 1971. But my 'fourth' love (wife, children, grand children) has for many years been my computers. And thanks to this Forum I have learned much. However, it has been about a year since I have visited the Forum. When I recently attempted to log on I found out that nothing I could do would get me back to the Forum. So there seems to be a hugh change in the Forum. I had many friends from past years and now my profile shows ZERO.. I had saved messages that I had sent and was sent and they are now all gone alone with their addresses. So, while I am happy to be able to log on and post again, I am a bit sadden by the change. I DO look forward to browsing the forum and learning from the excellent people who are so willing to help. THIS is what keeps the Spirit of this board going...  Glad to be back...   Art</p>

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