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somethingfishy • Joined
July 18th, 2020
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posted a questionJuly 22, 2020
5 years ago
Hi all. My new laptop's speakers keep playing when I plug in my headphones (3.5mm plug). The headphones work fine on my older computer, so it's not the headphones The laptop is brand new, so I'm disinclined to believe it's a hardware issue. When I go into Output Devices in Sound, Headphones are list
5 years ago
I am trying to connect headphones(3.5mm jack) with a microphone to my laptop, but the microphone is not visible in the system. I tried reinstalling the audio driver - it didn't help. However headphones were working on another machine. What might be the problem?
5 years ago
I am trying to connect headphones(3.5mm jack) with a microphone to my laptop, but the microphone is not visible in the system. I tried reinstalling the audio driver - it didn't help. However headphones were working on another machine. What might be the problem?
I do, but it shows a speaker icon there instead. There's no headphones option in the dropdown menu on the bottom, so I can only assume that maxxaudiopro also doesn't detect them being plugged in.
5 years ago
I am trying to connect headphones(3.5mm jack) with a microphone to my laptop, but the microphone is not visible in the system. I tried reinstalling the audio driver - it didn't help. However headphones were working on another machine. What might be the problem?
Hi, I'm experiencing the same problem as OP, except I don't recall getting that popup. Any ideas?
joined community.July 18, 2020
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