scorpionbyte • Joined
November 1st, 2008
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joined community.November 1, 2008
HEEEEEELP please! Does someone knows a chipcard software which works with the smart card reader in my d820 ? Banking software, phone card etc. And also please I need to know how to check if my card reader is working. There is no reaction after pushing in a card.
From all of the issues concerning the ability of some devices to work and others not to because of the power supply issue, I decided to take a look into the USB 2.0 Specification. From section 7.2.1 Classes of Devices from the USB 2.0 Specification dated April 27th 2003: The power source and
If you try an external hub it should work this is recommended by various venders I have spoken to at least three usb device venders and dell and the powered hub was the only answer when you have a pwr hungry device or direct to the system. If you had
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