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July 23rd, 2015 07:00

Multi Xbrick connectivity questions


Let's start out that i have read XtremIO Host configuration guide

1)  Is this configuration supported ?  In the host config guide the only time i see "cross" xbrick zoning is when a host has multiple HBAs. Let's say my host does not have an extra set of HBAs but they would prefer to have 8 logical paths to their LUNs.

7-23-2015 9-49-57 AM.jpg

2) When i look on the back of a storage controller, specifically FC ports. Port on the far right is port 0 and then port right next to it is port 1. I want to make sure that port 0 corresponds to FC 1 in the management application ?  This is not a silly question. Your friends over at Isilon take port 0 on the 10GB NIC and label it port 1 in the software and port 1 is labeled port 0 (make sense right ?)7-23-2015 10-03-28 AM.jpg

3) SSH access to the XMS. I want to be able to ssh to the XMS and run cli commands. From what i can see right now i have to ssh as xmsadmin, once logged-in i am once again prompted to login using admin account. Is this the only way using ssh ? (i am not interested in REST). Goal is to run monitoring commands.

Thank you

522 Posts

July 23rd, 2015 08:00

Hi Dynamox, I'll take a stab here:

#1 - Yes, this illustration is supported for the max number of paths for a dual-brick engine (if the user wants to have 8 paths with 2 HBAs). There is actually this illustration in the host guide that matches the picutre, but turns the dotted lines into solid lines:


#2 - You have the correlation right. Here is a pic from a running system. I feel your pain...RPA's are like that too between generations:


#3 - Yes, it requires two sets of commands (like VPLEX does). However, you can register an SSH key that would allow you to pass through or you can install the XMCLI client to do something similar I think (never played with this cause it only supports CentOS 64-bit OS), but if I remember correctly, you setup a certificate to communicate between the XMS and this CentOS client and can just execute commands against it without logging in every time and that could give you want you want around monitoring commands/outputs.


2 Intern


20.4K Posts

July 23rd, 2015 10:00

Thank you HTH

1) i guess i missed that diagram on page 14, excellent that answers that question.

2) thank you for confirming that.


     a) I have been told that XMCLI has been depricated and is no longer used with version 4.0  Can you or someone else confirm ?  If yes, why is still mentioned in the product guide ?

     b) SSH key based authentication - do you think that by setting public/private key authentication it will bypass both levels of authentication ? My goal is to use plink in a perl script where plink connects to the XMS, runs "show-ssds" and then i parse the output.

522 Posts

July 23rd, 2015 12:00

np dynamox,

For #3 - looks like you are correct...there is no download for it, although it is still contained in the 4.0 documentation. Not sure if this is a typo or the XMCLI has yet to be released for 4.x.

For the second part, although I have not set it up before to test, i read it to log you into the shell directly and thus allow you to use something like plink given the documentation. I'll see if I can test this out....might be on a 3.x array though:


I'm sure others might chime in if they have done this to validate

727 Posts

July 23rd, 2015 14:00

The reference to XMCLI is a left over from the previous release and will be removed. Thanks for pointing that out!

Public-private key combination is the correct way to login to the XMS without dual login prompts. Let me see if I can get a complete documentation for you.

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