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1 Rookie


4 Posts


October 19th, 2023 12:56

XPS PLUS 9320 - Last windows driver update broke the camera - Intel - Extension - / Intel - Extension

XPS 13 Plus 9320

XPS 13 Plus 9320

Last windows driver update broke the camera - Intel - Extension - / Intel - Extension
We have so far 5 impacted assets 
Any help Dell?

2 Posts

October 25th, 2023 05:14

@DELL- Nat M​ 

Hi- has anyone had permanent success with the posted workaround? I am almost at a week with this issue and have tried everything. Deleted the drivers as per the suggestion and now nothing expands under the USB bridge. Many reboots later and still no success. Wondering if there is a new driver I have to find and install from dell or windows.

October 25th, 2023 09:24

I am seeing exactly the same symptoms on a top end Lenovo Yoga X1 (5 months old).

The problem appears to have come about after an Intel Management Engine Firmware Update provided by Lenovo.

The temporary fix advertised here doesn't seem to work, but the missing camera, and 4 devices with STATUS_DEVICE_POWER_FAILURE are identical.

Whilst not a particularly helpful post, it does indicate that this isn't necessarily a Dell specific issue.

I've logged a support call with Lenovo and will post back if there is anything useful that may apply to other manufacturers.

October 25th, 2023 11:52

Lenovo came back to me fairly quickly with a fix.

I was advised to go to:

Control Panel  -> System - > Advanced system settings  ->  Hardware   >Device Installation Settings button  -> Choose No, and then press the Save Changes button.

(Presumably that's to prevent the fix from being broken again!)

They then provided me a with a download that appeared to be a firmware update, and possibly some updated drivers as well.

After installing that and rebooting, everything is back to normal.

Hopefully Dell will do the same for you guys!

Community Manager


2.4K Posts

October 25th, 2023 14:02

Hi all,

The steps I shared are specifically for Windows 11, which is why some of you may not find the correct files to address the issue. I'm already in contact with the team to request resolution steps for Windows 10 as well.

Additionally, if you are using Windows 11 and the steps did not resolve the issue, we kindly ask you to repeat the steps once more. The team has observed that it may be necessary to perform the steps twice.

Thank you for your patience in this matter.

1 Message

October 25th, 2023 19:47

@DELL- Nat M​ This solved the problem on my XPS 9320. 

Camera back up and running. 

The "Intel (R) USB Bridge firmware upgrade device" node  disappeared from the tree after reboot and the cvfusbbridgeextension.inf file seem to reside under "Intel (R) Usb Bridge Device" instead, is that right?

Anyhow, this seems to have fixed a problem. I had the symptoms with the cam, and also had recent crashes when waking from sleep mode, are those likely to be fixed by this too?



1 Message

October 26th, 2023 07:40

@BrokenHinge​ Can you share with us download for the firmware please?

We have roughly 48 units X1 carbon gen10 experiencing the same issue and Lenovo Singapore support have no solution for us yet.

5 Posts

October 26th, 2023 07:48

1) Mr. @Aliaksandr Krasnou​ you have two   Cvfusbbridgeextension.inf listed at your device manager . One of them logically has the version that dell asks to remove.

2) DELL- Nat M  current status for us is that out of the 17 laptops in office since we performed the steps suggested and also the ones i posted up previously, only one laptop had re-crashed and only once (have re-applied steps and monitoring for the moment works ok as well). The camera is working to all now but there is one side effect spotted as posted above with the Windows Hello face recognition login is now broken. Allow me to clarify, during first boot - login user logs in normally by just identifying his face. If user locks desktop afterwards and tries to unlock it via face ID, the face is identified but a wording to dismiss the lock screen manually appears. (which shouldn't since the relative option is enabled - to auto login). We have removed face id login completely, checked of latest updates  and re-configured it, but issue remains.

3)@DELL- Nat M since this is an INTEL related issue as discussed, if affects other maker's laptops series as well  (whoever use the same chip) and like @BrokenHinge confirms his,  not a Dell XPS. Thus the proper approach of your customers is for DELL / Lenovo and other makers to contact Intel to provide feedback and put pressure to further investigate this asap in order to release an updated version via MS windows updates that will fix the issue automatically (and also provide separate link to download/apply manually).  They might need help to reproduce the issue, you can provide them remote access etc. to assist them. Nevertheless we are willing to provide from our side as well to solve this properly/faster (for intel to gather any additional info the need, develop a test firmware/driver etc. -> provide it to us -> Apply it to subject laptops ->  - check and confirm all in order -> Mass release via MS Windows updates). This is not "finally solved" , it is a temp fix which requires manual action.  Please also discuss internally to provide a relative circular to ALL DELL support dpt. globally in order to stop instructing users to format. I've worked 10 years at a big organization tech support, can understand generic policies etc. but this instruction is outdated and must be re-evaluated, specifically since users didn't do anything wrong himself.  

P.S @BrokenHinge Their "solution" to deactivate the auto download of apps for the devices proposed by them is not something we would like to "keep" and not the proper approach to solve the issue).


October 26th, 2023 08:10

@DELL- Nat M​ 

Tried your fix but the driver was not the version mentioned, it was

Therefore contacted support assistance who advised NOT to remove that driver and instead spent an hour before running through different steps before eventually scheduling an LCD replacement.

However having read the Reddit thread I tried removing then running the driver reinstall.  I’m pleased to say this fixed the problem, or at least it has for the moment.

Can I suggest (and you update dell support on this) that if anyone has it should also be removed.


1 Message

October 26th, 2023 10:47

Once you remove the bottom two of the oem drivers as described above, you have to reboot, then install the camera driver from here,

Then reboot again and the camera and windows hello should work again.

I got this from Dell Support as just removing the drivers did not work.

7 Posts

October 26th, 2023 11:04

I have followed the steps and it has fixed the camera issue, but I have received a blue screen once I restarted and logged in and now my background for my work laptop is just black when it should have the company wallpaper or some kind of default background. 

7 Posts

October 26th, 2023 11:17

Just got another blue screen after restarting 

Community Manager


2.4K Posts

October 26th, 2023 13:41

Hi all,
I appreciate your feedback on this matter. I've shared your concerns with the team, and they've asked me to verify something: after following the steps we provided as a solution, are you experiencing issues with Windows Hello?

If you're encountering this issue, please click the "like" button on this comment so we can get an accurate count of how many users are experiencing it

Thank you for your cooperation!


1 Message

October 26th, 2023 15:59

@DELL- Nat M​ Do you guys have a fix for Windows 10? I have users that are having this issue and need it fixed ASAP. I've tried removing the whole driver and having Windows default to whatever default it has, and that didn't work. I appreciate any help you can provide.

1 Message

October 26th, 2023 16:01


I have exactly same driver version to yours… It would be appreciated if you can provide the link to Reddit, I truly want the camera back.

2 Posts

October 26th, 2023 17:31

Hi everyone who is still struggling with this problem. Please click on the "like" button of Dell-Nat M user above (third above) to urge Dell technicians to solve this issue.

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