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1 Rookie


16 Posts


September 27th, 2024 14:59

NVIDIA graphic card gone

Though there are already many posts on this topic, I am creating a new one hoping that anybody from Dell is going to read it and come up with a solution.

Bought an XPS 15 19530 in March in Cyprus. Frequent blue screens from day 1. Moved to Thailand. Contacted support two times. They were pretty useless and told me, that my Acrobat Reader would cause the problems and I should re-install it. Done that nothing has changed.

Next support chat they told me to re-install windows. Done that, nothing changed.

Next support chat told me, they can´t help me, because I am located in Thailand and the laptop has been bought in Cyprus.

Tried to solve the problem by myself and did a factory reset of the laptop (it´s a working laptop, so no need to tell you, how much time I have lost transferring data). Nothing has changed. 

Support continued to tell me that they can´t do anything, because the laptop has been bought in Cyprus. I have to upgrade my warranty. Just - nobody could come up with a working phone number or form to do so.

At the end I managed to transfer the warranty to my address in Thailand (without any useful help of the support line), now support is telling me, that the motherboard has to be replaced, but this will be classified as paid support.

It´s a 3.500 EUR laptop, 6 months old, with 3 years of warranty.

Not only, that for each answer in the Whatsapp Chat they need several hours.... They continue telling me to call phone numbers, where you listen to a tape which at the end tells you, to go back on the Dell website to find a solution for your problem.

I have never ever experienced such a bad customer care.

I bought this new laptop for NOT having problems when I am abroad.

I asked support, why I need to pay if the machine is still in warranty which has also been transferred to Thailand now.

Answer: We´re really sorry for the inconvenience caused.

And nothing else.

DELL: Is this customer care for you?

This is my third Dell. Had minor problems with the last two (blown up battery with the first, a malfunctioning keyboard with the second) but still bought a third one. But now it is the last for sure. 

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