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October 4th, 2024 10:14

Feedback on Dell Product and Service Experience

I've had a very unsatisfying experience with Dell and wanted to share this, since nowhere else anybody seems to care.

A little more than 4 years ago I bought a Dell computer in Germany. First I bought a Dell XPS 13 2020 2 in 1, which had a faulty motherboard and showed bluescreens right from the first day on. Then, I claimed a refund and decided to get a normal Dell XPS 15 2020 instead. The design and quality of the laptop is amazing. I love the thin bezels, the 4k touchscreen, the touchpad, etc.

About a year in, the Bluetooth stopped working from time to time and only started working again after a reboot. Additionally, the computer would not go to sleep properly, drained the battery, and got hot to the touch. I contacted tech support, and reinstalled drivers in multiple sessions with them. The error became less apparent but still arose from time to time. Due to it not being reproducible, the support was not able to help me and we always just reinstalled drivers. I gave up with this issue. After 3 years I extended the Premium Support for another year. Around the same time, I went abroad to Canada. This is when the next issues became apparent. The laptop would just have bluescreens from time to time,  and it would not charge until a reboot. I again contacted tech support and they were able to transfer the system to Canadian support without any problems. Good job there! But the support itself was very exhausting and led to nothing. Reinstalling drivers and asking me the same questions over and over again, while I explained the issue already. Never was I asked if I wanted to send the system in. Eventually, the frequency of the issues decreased and again I gave up due to the support leading to nothing. My Premium support expired and I was not able to extend it. I wanted to pay them, but no.

Then of course 1 month after it expired, the laptop again started having the same issues even worse. The laptop would not charge, show bluescreen, and partially not start at all. This got worse and worse until it wouldn't do anything anymore. I drained the flee power and it worked for two more days. At this point, I had 3 weeks left in Canada and needed to write an important thesis. I called tech support and they said, "Yeah the motherboard is broken, and without express out-of-warranty support we will be able to fix it in 5 to 7 business days". I was frustrated but wanted to sort this out as fast as possible. So I sent in the next day and the laptop arrived in Toronto within 3 days. They do the diagnosis and suddenly the motherboard is all fine, they instead diagnose a broken screen, which was fine before, and the SSD is also supposed to be replaced because it's not OEM (I kept that one with my data). I tell them to rediagnose and see what's wrong with the motherboard. They took over a week to do this and still the same result. Never was I able to talk to an actual technician. I am assured the motherboard cannot be replaced without a diagnosis but if the issue arises again during the next 90 days I could send it in again free of charge and get it fixed, internationally (I asked this two support agents). So I tell them to fix the screen and send it back as quickly as possible. They fix the screen (which they broke) and diagnosed the system again: "Btw the motherboard is broken." I asked them if they could fix it within the next 3 days and get it shipped, and they said no problem. Of course, they weren't able to get it done in time and now I was on my way back to Germany. International delivery was not possible. So, I had to send it to Germany including insurance and import duties, which were about the same as the repair itself again. I got the laptop in Germany and turned it on, but the display panel is of bad quality. It shows uneven lighting and some color shift if it is just black. So, I called German tech support and they of course told me the warranty for repairs is not international and I would need to pay them again.  The Canadian support suddenly told me the same thing. By this point, I just need the laptop to do my work and don't have any more energy to spend hours on some hotline. Especially, since the laptop now suddenly works like it's new, with no standby issues or anything else. This just confirmed that the motherboard was malfunctioning for years already and the Premium support never even suggested sending the laptop in.

To summarize, I bought a Dell computer because I thought paying a premium would offer better quality and support. Instead, both devices I got have a malfunctioning motherboard. The support only starts doing actual work when I need to pay for it again. And even then they don't keep their promises and even break the device further. Now, I am here with 1000€ less money and a bad replacement part. Additionally, nobody seems to care for me as a customer and offer any good solution. Just wanted to let everyone know, who is considering buying Dell products. 

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