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1 Rookie


13 Posts


September 25th, 2023 09:05

XPS 8960, build quality disappointment

I've been a Dell user for 10 years and I'm onto my 3rd new XPS desktop. I've also had a bunch of Dell laptops and monitors in the past. Usually the equipment is very high quality.

However, my latest purchase doesn't live up to those previous high standards. I'm pretty disappointed with build quality on the new machine (XPS 8960 i9)

The machine is like 7 days old (since delivery). The side panel rattles, the slightest touch on my desk and that thing gets to jangling. I've removed and reseated it but it seems like either the chassis is bent or the panel is as it's not sitting correctly

The fan also sounds uneven when the machine is idling, it's not silent but is making a whoop whoop whoop sound. Almost like one of the blades is unbalanced. Under stress it speeds up, gets noisy for a bit and then settles, but idling it's noisy. Also every now and again, like when opening Chrome, the pump does this funny gurgle noise. I know PC's aren't supposed to be 100% silent, but I also don't expect a brand new computer to sound like it's ready for the junk yard. I also get random audio stutters, random video stutters.

There there is the AW2724DM I picked up at the same time. The screen has a pink tint to it. All colors have an very slight off white pink tint.

I've raised support tickets on both and the stock answer seems to be "we'll have them reviewed by the product team". Come on Dell, these are brand new units, not units at the end of warranty. Right now I'm considering requesting an exchange as I'm within the 14 day return period

Very unimpressed.

2 Intern


182 Posts

September 26th, 2023 00:51

I'd exchange for an Alienware Aurora R16 (Sorry XPS fans).

It's a better option, IMO.

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

September 26th, 2023 02:06


Maybe they want a "K" processor and an RTX 4080 or 4090 . . . all available on the XPS;  none available on the super gaming Alienware Aurora R16.

2 Intern


182 Posts

September 26th, 2023 02:45


Yes, true but let's be real here.....the cooling in either makes a K not a big deal AND a 4070TI is good enough. :)

I mean come on...I'd swap in a second!

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

September 26th, 2023 03:55

@Element115s4​    if the Tron ring and LED fan means more to you than performance components . . . you've found your rig, enjoy!!

2 Intern


208 Posts

September 26th, 2023 18:25

If you are within your free return period, you should definitely take advantage of that.

I also purchased an 8960, and mine has excellent build quality, so I know they can do it.

If you decide to re-order, I have a suggestion: You appear to have the water cooler. I read a lot about that before I ordered, which is why I chose 'Advanced CPU air cooling' instead. That's Dell's name for a tower air cooler, and it is silent at idle. (I have the i7K.) Even under considerable load, I can barely detect it.

Regarding the monitor - I read your other post: a monitor's appearance is subjective, and depends on so many variables. With that excuse out of the way, you have tools at your disposal to make the image look any way you like. For example: You have the NVIDIA Control Panel and you can also use Dell Display Manager (downloadable.) I use the latter, because it's easier (for me) to figure out than NVIDIA's software.

One other thing to check (in Windows settings) is the night light, which Microsoft may have automatically turned on for you, because Microsoft knows what's best for us.


1 Rookie


13 Posts

September 26th, 2023 21:03

Thanks for the comments and suggestions, very much appreciated.

Yeah, I don't really need all the RGB lights and stuff :) 

@Bulldog Thanks, The water cooler is mostly quiet, but at times, it does seem like you can hear either the pump or the pump and the fan, it's like a resonating sound, even when idle.

Regarding the rattling fitting side panel, they are sending a replacement. It does look like one of the tabs is slightly bent so it's not seating snug.

That said, I'm still tempted to just request an exchange as I'm within the 14 day period.

10 Elder


44K Posts

September 27th, 2023 01:09

XPS 8950 and XPS 8960 use the same liquid cooling system. There are threads about the noises the pump makes in the XPS 8950, so maybe it's not surprising that it makes noises in the XPS 8960 too.

It's the same P/N 2G44F Asetek 125W CPU liquid cooler in both systems, even though Dell uses different names for them:

XPS 8950: "AIO (All-In-One) Cooler"
XPS 8960: "Performance CPU Liquid Cooling"


2 Intern


182 Posts

September 27th, 2023 03:37

@ProfessorW00d​'s no Area 51 Glowing Green radioactive box. ;)

Yeah no, it's not the LED's I like but I think the trade off is worth it over the 8960.

2 Intern


182 Posts

September 27th, 2023 03:42


The only thing I can hear is my 3060 TI when I game and even that is not bad at all.

I was tempted to just go air cooling but I just had to try out the very first Dell XPS water cooling option!

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

September 27th, 2023 03:51

@Element115s4​  there has always been an XPS water cooling option . . . this is my XPS 8930


2 Intern


182 Posts

October 1st, 2023 18:27

Ok Professor,  let's benchmark that beast!

I do like this Userbenchmark as it does seem to give some real-world performance stats:

Here is my XPS 8950 with only updated storage drives (what a steal for the $$$):

Edited for Professors eyes...I think.


4 Operator


2.1K Posts

October 2nd, 2023 00:13

@Element115s4​   sorry but I can't make out much of that image thanks to the new platform feature of providing a postage stamp size view rather than enlarging to full size when the image is clicked.

2 Intern


182 Posts

October 2nd, 2023 03:42


Yes, I see what you mean Professor.

2 Intern


182 Posts

October 2nd, 2023 14:49

I noticed you can right-click the small image and edit which does seem to help and of course, downloading is an option as well.

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

October 2nd, 2023 18:37

@Element115s4​   right clicking on the small image and opening in a new tab provides some improvement.

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