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March 25th, 2020 17:00

XPS 8930, S2719H, no signal from your device

I experienced, and do experience, the 'no hdmi signal from your device' on my XPS 8930/2719 combination. I tried reversing the cable, as advised elsewhere on this forum, and this seemed to be an improvement at first, but it is difficult to tell whether the reversal actually made a change.I should add that dodgy cables is not what one would expect from a premium product like Dell.

After about a dozen restarts, initiated by myself, the system seems to have settled down, and whilst the 'no hdmi signal' notices are still presented, I feel the message was and is profoundly misleading, and I found that restarts initiated by myself generally resulted in the sending of a signal within 10 to 20 seconds. Quite why it takes a modern monitor so long to recognise a modern PC is actually sending a signal is a complete mystery. It is not possible to tell whether bashing the keyboard or wiggling the mouse helps in this recognition process. (I get the impression the monitor message indicating that will be all that is required is utter garbage, i.e. nothing will speed up the natural snail's pace.)

The real problem however is with restarts initiated by Win10 in response to an installed Win10 update (and many of these can involve multiple restarts). In these cases, the wait to recognise the hdmi signal often takes several or many minutes. Again, it was impossible to tell whether bashing of keys or mouse-wiggling did anything to help. The mystery in the case of Win10-initiated restarts is that there is obviously a signal being sent, because once the recognition starts, a typical screen (e.g. 'update in progress 27% complete') indicates the PC is sending stuff to the monitor.

Needless to say, I am extremely disappointed with my my new Dell. There seems to be a serious lack of communication between PC and monitor, and an even more serious lack of communication to the hapless user. I was scared to switch the PC off in case it might never display itself again, but I now realise that the 'no hdmi signal' is a probably a completely stupid message.

Or maybe hdmi is just a rubbish protocol?

4 Operator


3.2K Posts

March 26th, 2020 06:00

You need to describe how your monitor is connected to your computer. Does your monitor have a discrete graphics card? Are you connecting your monitor to the graphics card HDMI port or to the integrated graphics HDMI port? If you have a discrete graphics card you should be using the HDMI port on that card if a HDMI port exists.

4 Operator


3.2K Posts

March 26th, 2020 07:00

Also it may help speed up your display if you use the On Screen Display (OSD) settings of your monitor to set the HDMI input (HDMI1 or HDMI2) instead of using Auto Select to scan for available input signals. I don't what is the default setting but I assume it is Auto Select.

3 Posts

March 26th, 2020 07:00

Thank you Vic. You are right. I think my 8930 does have a discrete graphics card, and I should be connected to that instead of the HDMI port. I got confused over the instruction in the first response in this thread. Support are confirming that I do have a discrete graphics card.


4 Operator


3.2K Posts

March 26th, 2020 09:00

If you look at page 28 of the monitor's manual it tells how to select a HDMI input. A blue background on Auto Select and "On" to the right I think indicates auto select is on. The manual is here:

3 Posts

March 26th, 2020 09:00

Thanks Vic. I powered off and reconnected the HDMI cable to the port on the NVIDIA graphics card. All seems well. I got the occasional brief flash of 'no HDMI signal' at initial powerup, but this seems to have now disappeared entirely on subsequent trial powerups and restarts. My OSD shows HDMI1 as ticked, although the 'Auto' box is highlighted with blue background.

Latest bootup took less than a minute, which is rather good.

So apologies everyone for my overhasty rant earlier on. Mods feel free to delete that message!!

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