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1 Rookie


6 Posts


January 14th, 2023 16:00

XPS 8700, upgrade from i7-4770?

My desktop is an XPS 8700, yes it does have the latest dell released BIOS available on it, yes it's out of warranty, yes i replaced the graphics card with an RX 570 from ebay, and yes i put the maximum amount of RAM it can handle with the current CPU it has

My current CPU is an i7-4770, and the motherboard is a Dell Inc. 0KWVT8 motherboard (LGA 1150 CPU socket), but the question fluttering in my mind is: can i switch it out with a different one? so i researched online, found the pc-specs website, looked for the biggest choice i got for a higher tier CPU it shows, and it says an i7-5775C cpu is as big as i can go, here's a screenshot (I had to use the firefox inspect function to delete certain portions of the website so i could get this all in one with firefox screenshot, kept scrolling for some reason)


i had to use the website to actually access this because using the url regularly shows an error. i get my desktop is old, VERY much out of warranty, and in overdue need of replacing, and at some point i WILL be getting a new one, maybe from dell, maybe somewhere else, maybe building my own, but in the mean time im going to squeeze every bit of functionality out of it before i have no real choice BUT to upgrade

Dell support & community members, with the CPU socket on it, and with all the defaults still in it, what CPU can i replace my i7-4770 with if I wanted to upgrade to something even a little bit better than it is now (or if my current one ends up fried because of [insert reason here])

9 Legend


13.4K Posts

January 14th, 2023 21:00

i7-4790 is a 1% better than 4770.

i7-4790k is 15% better than 4770.

both 4790 and 4790k are validated in 8700.

otoh 5775C has not been validated in 8700.

i7-5775C has been validated on Z97 chipset motherboard which supports Intel 5th gen cpu.  XPS8700 has Z87 chipset.  Despite the latest Dell bios update, the chipset may be not compatible with 5775C.

the Z97 Express chipset officially supports the fifth generation Intel Core processors. Whereas Z87 Express offers support only up to the fourth generation chips. This means if you plan to upgrade to a ‘Broadwell’ chip such as 5775C, you’ll need Z97


4 Operator


2.1K Posts

January 15th, 2023 05:00

I've got an 8700, and when it started 'to fall behind' in performance, I switched out the C: hard drive for an SSD. Made a world of difference in overall performance for me. Boots faster, loads faster.

Unless you are doing CPU intensive tasks, you might not really see much of an overall difference with a better CPU? Even the video card is not the most recent or highest performer that there is today.

My 8700 is still 'good', but I bought an 8940. Overall performance is not really that different. That is the 8940 clearly is faster overall, but in general, when doing most things, the 2 XPS's work about the same, browsing, email, playing most games, etc. I do have other HD's in the 8700, and I'm if I replaced those with SSD's it would perform even better. Matter of fact, wife has an 8500 and replacing the C: HD with an SSD made a world of difference on her XPS. For her general daily usage it is adequate.

The main reason I replaced my 8700 was because I wanted to run ONE program, MS's Flight Simulator. Had the old one (FS X) on the 8700 and wanted the 2020 version. 8700 h/w would not cut it. Need more RAM and far better video card. Put the money towards the 8940 instead.

Just saying the SSD purchase could be a better choice than even the i7-4790 upgrade, again, probably depending on what you are doing that requires better performance?

1 Rookie


1 Message

September 25th, 2024 16:57

How do I change the hard drive to SSD?  Which one is compatible and which tutorial video did you watch?

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