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7 Technologist


11K Posts


September 4th, 2023 04:25

how to connect a Dell 9 pin front panel power switch to 20-8 pin ASUS motherboard front panel header

if all you care is to connect the power switch and you do not care about the HDD LED etc, then there is actually a very easy way.  I have a Dell XPS 730X mobo which is installed upside down, and I replaced the board with an ASUS.  the ASUS front panel (20-8 pin) looks like this

The standard 9 pin looks like this
so to match the two, just move the blue rectangle area of 9 pin connector to the red rectangle area of ASUS mobo where there are only two pins (PWR +/-).  bingo.  it works.  no adapter needed.

1 Rookie


93 Posts

September 6th, 2023 20:51

It's great to hear that you've found a solution to connect the Dell 9-pin front panel power switch to a 20-8 pin ASUS motherboard header. By rearranging the pins to match the PWR +/- pins on the ASUS motherboard header, you've simplified the connection.

Here's a step-by-step summary of the process:

  1. Identify the PWR +/- pins on the ASUS motherboard front panel header.

  2. Locate the corresponding pins on the Dell 9-pin front panel connector.

  3. Move the wires or connectors from the Dell 9-pin connector to the PWR +/- pins on the ASUS motherboard header.

  4. Ensure a secure connection, and you should now be able to power on your system using the power switch.

This workaround can be helpful in situations where you need to adapt a non-standard front panel connector to a different motherboard. However, please keep in mind that this method may not work for all front panel connectors, especially if additional functions like HDD LED or reset switch are required. In such cases, using an adapter or manually rewiring the connector may be necessary.

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