
1 Rookie


4 Posts


December 14th, 2021 10:00

Can't remove screw to install 2280 M.2 SSD


I have a Dell XPS 8940 desktop that came with a HDD. I have a 2280 M.2 solid state drive that I want to install in the SSD slot.

However,the SSD M.2 screw will go over another screw, that is already in the motherboard. This screw is positioned to fit a 2230 SSD, and I need to move it to the 2280 hole to install my SSD.

However, this screw in the 2230 hole seems to be stuck. I can't get it off with a Phillips screwdriver, no matter how hard I try.

How can I remove this screw? I'm afraid of using too much strenght and damaging components.

Thank you.


1 Rookie


78 Posts

December 14th, 2021 11:00

Only one way it can come out.  Not sure why it's stuck unless it's cross threaded or overtightened.  I can't believe thread locker would have been applied during assembly.  Apply, slow, steady pressure, it should break loose and back out or head break off or slot strips out.  I *would not* put any sort of liquid (penetrating fluid) or heat or drill it out.

Other options if still squeamish, take to PC repair, install 2.5 in. SSD, or external SSD.

9 Legend


14.1K Posts

December 14th, 2021 11:00

all those were great tips.  just to add that Dell oem board dumb design is to have the motherboard M2 slot screw mounted to chassis so without removing the screw you also would not be able to remove motherboard.  in other words no back plate for the M2 slot screws.   I would call Dell warranty

Re: this screw in the 2230 hole seems to be stuck. I can't get it off with a Phillips screwdriver, no matter how hard I try. How can I remove this screw?

since this is a small probable M2x 3mm screw, not sure if you are using a small screwdriver w a skinny handle like this standard one.  If so, I would also attempt w a screwdriver that has a larger handle (but small tip that matches screw size) to increase torque.  but do not apply too much force turning the screw.  Keep firm down pressure on the screw and try to turn slowly as described in 1st reply.  It is probably overtightened using power tool at Dell factory.


1 Rookie


4 Posts

December 16th, 2021 10:00

Yes, it's actually the mounting hole. The problem is that it's in a position to fit a 2230 SSD. However, my SSD size is 2280, so I need to move the mounting hole to the other position, as the picture shows. However, I can't get it off with a Phillips screwdriver.

1 Rookie


4 Posts

December 16th, 2021 10:00

Thank you for the replies. Unfortunately, it's impossible to remove this screw. It won't move an inch.

10 Elder


45.2K Posts

December 16th, 2021 10:00

Are you really sure it's a screw? Or is it just the mounting hole into which you insert an M2x3 screw?

If your PC didn't come with an SSD from the factory, they probably (likely) didn't put a screw in either the 2230 or 2280 mount.

Check out the pics shown in the Service Manual with the instructions to remove/install an M.2 SSD here.

9 Legend


14.1K Posts

December 16th, 2021 11:00

Since you really could not remove the 2230 screw even with a large handle screwdriver, one option to consider is to install the 2280 ssd tilted up.  You may need some thin plastic insulation underneath the ssd so it would not touch the 2230 screw.  According to one user "I ran an m.2 drive as my boot SSD with it sticking up at an angle for over a year without missing a beat."  I think the 2280 will still have good electrical contact with the M.2 slot, it is just not secured down.

Depending on the angle of tilt, you might still be able to use a longer M2 screw to attempt securing the 2280 ssd while leaving it insulated from the 2230 screw.  What a bummer that Dell factory has done this.  

Lastly, do not use too much force trying to remove the 2230 screw for its head may get stripped or even worse the whole screw head shorn off leaving no way to remove the screw in nut.  That is the worst damage you could do to this recalcitrant screw.  other components should not be affected.

10 Elder


45.2K Posts

December 16th, 2021 11:00

I don't think you have to move anything. Just plug the 2280 SSD into the M.2 slot and install an M2x3 screw in the 2280 mounting hole...

1 Rookie


4 Posts

December 16th, 2021 11:00

The M2 screw that holds the SSD will be installed over another screw, which goes under the SSD and is already in the motherboard. The picture in the original post shows this screw in the 2230 hole, and it needs to be moved to the 2280 hole so my  SSD can be installed, since it's a larger size.


This video, at 2:31, shows what I am trying to do. I can't get the screw off, however.

9 Legend


14.1K Posts

January 6th, 2022 21:00

Re: I can't get the screw off, however.

It turns out the screw you were trying to remove was a Dell motherboard standoff which has a #6-32 thread to screw onto the case on one end and an M.2 nut on the other end to mount an M.2 ssd.  If you still could not remove it, you can still leave it as is and install an M.2 2230 ssd on it.

Dell motherboard standoff DP/N 715KN.  this video demonstrates how to install it on mobo.  the ssd is then installed on top of the philips head standoff using M2 x 2-3 mm screw.

715KN NUT,M2,CRD,SFF,D9/P9. $1.99




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