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March 22nd, 2017 04:00

Problem registering latest WES7 image through WDM 5.7

Hi all,

Hopefully someone can offer some insight.

We have 6x D90D7’s currently on the bench for testing. I have installed WDM 5.7, everything running fine. All repo’s up and green.

Started out discovering the devices, that went smoothly. Then, due to my lack of knowledge i attempted to push out a configuration i had created in Configuration Manager and managed to upload to WDM, however that failed.

Did some research and found that i needed to update the Boot Agent, HAgent and WCM Agent. Boot and HAgent updated with no problems. Tried to register WCM Agent using PkgRegister.exe but that failed. Registered ok using the wizard on locally installed WDM and was showing up in Other Packages.

Attempted to push that out and file was copied to the ThinClient (C:\Temp) but nothing else happened, i had to run the app manually. Afterwards WCM was up to version

Tried to push out the configuration i had created, again, with no success.

Found an updated WES7 image from the dell site, BDB0_0895_16GB.exe.

Tried registering this using Web UI and the local Device Manager console and while they show that the process completed, nothing ever appears in either Web or local app. I can see the folder gets created in C:\inetpub\ftproot\rapport\ but nothing ever appears in there, so there is nothing to push out.

I have also tried extracting that file as it comes in the form of a 7zip executable, but running this on Server 2012 errors, stating incorrect OS.

The clients are obviously connecting to the WDM server otherwise the initial updates of HAgent and BootAgent wouldn’t have gone through. I have also managed to successfully pull an image from one of the D90D7's.

What am i missing? Documentation is extremely scarce and the standard guides do not deviate from a perfect scenario.

I’m sure there is a lot of detail i have neglected to include, but please ask, i’ll be happy to provide it.

Thanks in advance

9 Posts

April 18th, 2017 05:00

If anyone comes across this, i managed to figure it out.

When i went back to the firmware download page, from a different link, there was red text at the top explaining that the 7Zip file need to be extracted with 7Zip, but not the self extracting exe.

Install 7Zip and extract using that, then register the package using the RSP file.


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