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July 3rd, 2015 03:00

Wyse V30LE VNC disappeared after update

Wyse V30LE VNC disappeared after update

Is possible to restore the software TighyVnc on last firmware update for Wyse V30LE ?

2 Posts

August 11th, 2016 06:00

Hi Rogerio,

Appreciate you response.

One of my senior shared me the Remote Shadow add-on for CE device yesterday. I have uploaded that to the below link.

I have tried installing on one my thin client and VNC got successfully installed. 

Hope this helps someone to fix the remote shadow (VNC) issue on CE thin client with V6.0 B674.

Thank you

2 Posts

July 3rd, 2015 03:00

I imaged 2 clients before I noticed. It says it is removed in the release notes and there is a comment "go to" to download client. I haven't found it yet in any of the software downloads. Being able to use VNC on my clients is the number 1 reason I still use Wyse.

1 Message

July 3rd, 2015 04:00

Quote Originally Posted by npoppy View Post

I imaged 2 clients before I noticed. It says it is removed in the release notes and there is a comment "go to" to download client. I haven't found it yet in any of the software downloads. Being able to use VNC on my clients is the number 1 reason I still use Wyse.
Today we received 2 new V30LE...without any VNC/Remote Shadow Client on it. Any idea how i can get this running again? We need VNC on these kind of clients...

1 Message

July 3rd, 2015 05:00

V30L Remote Shadow Add-On

I had this same problem today after installing an updated firmware, 674 (Windows CE 6.0) from 563.5 (Windows CE .NET). The remote shadow add-on was no longer available, rendering VNC to these clients impossible. After contacting Wyse support I was prvided with the appropriate file.

2 Posts

July 3rd, 2015 05:00

I don't believe the remote shadow for 5.0 will work on CE 6.0. I couldn't get the package to queue up in package deployment for them. Any other ideas? Can I re-image them with an earlier version of the OS before they pulled VNC? The new clients I have been buying are now showing up without it as well and its becoming a larger problem with not being able to remote them.

1 Message

July 3rd, 2015 05:00

Just install the Remote Shadow addon for 5.0 

1 Message

July 3rd, 2015 05:00

Same problem with new V30LE terminals. I am not able to find the VNC app on the Wyse site. Any idea?

2 Posts

August 2nd, 2016 16:00


One of my customer is looking for Remote Shadow Add-On for his C30LE ( CE) Thin Client.

Tried above links and this link as well  - but no luck.

Could you please send me a external link or copy of that file.

Thank you in advance!

Thanks & Regards,

Thillai S 

2 Intern


560 Posts

August 11th, 2016 01:00


There is no add-on for VNC for CE 6.0. There was a licensing issue before the product was obsoleted and a VNC add-on for CE 6.0 was never released.

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