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February 5th, 2019 08:00

Wyse 5070 and Horizon 7.5 and video lag when typing

We are seeing a weird problem with some of our new 5070 and performance with typing passwords. Some of our 5070s are having a delay of like 1 second between the key being pressed on the keyboard and the letter showing on the screen. This problem is not on all our 5070s, but is showing up on both NVIDIA Tesla cards and the native VMWare vSVGA 3d card. The solution for the end user has been to replace these 5070s with 5060s and the problem is solved. All of our terminals are updated through WMS and are on the same firmware and horizion app version. 


Any thoughts?

3 Apprentice


744 Posts

February 6th, 2019 05:00

I know you mention the 5060 and 5070 are the same version of FW, but you dont mention what version?   Are you using Blast Extreme or PCOIP? Wired or wireless?  

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