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1 Rookie


2 Posts


February 22nd, 2024 00:05

Horizon crash if terminal name > 15 chars

We've uncovered an apparent bug in ThinOS 9.4.x where if the terminal name of the device is set to a value greater than 15 characters, it causes the vmware-mks process to crash during the connection process. This causes a black screen to be displayed to the user for about 10 seconds, then it goes back to the login screen. On the backend, the desktop appears to behave normally, the logs showing a connect, then a disconnect. It only seems to happen when connecting with Blast; PCOIP seems to behave normally.

Workaround appears to be just shortening the name to 15 characters or less. We only found this after jumping a large number of our devices to 9.4; it definitely wasn't happening previously on 9.1.6108, but I haven't been able to go through all the intervening versions and figure out where this crept in. Has anyone else experienced this?

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