This post is more than 5 years old
5 Posts
August 9th, 2015 22:00
Can't connecto Mac running OS 10.4.11 from Andriod 2.1 Vibrant!
Can't connecto Mac running OS 10.4.11 from Andriod 2.1 Vibrant!
anyone figure out how to connect to an Mac via Apple Remote Desktop or VNC?
2 Posts
August 9th, 2015 22:00
2. After enabling we can connect using pocketcloud.
Instructions to enable vnc on mac are :
1. open "System Preferences"
2. click "Sharing" in "Internet & Wireless" section.
3. check "Remote Management" on the left table
4. click "Computer Settings..."
5. check "VNC viewers may control screen with password: " Please enter the password for vnc access.
just do not know which port number & host address on pocketcloud .. ??
Many tanks
18 Posts
August 9th, 2015 22:00
The default port is 5900 on Mac.
Or you could type the following command in Terminal (spotlight search "terminal") to check it:
cat /etc/services | grep vnc-server
For host address, please check point 3 at the post here.
After getting your IP address. You may need the following post if your Mac is behind a router.
Please search "How do I configure my router for Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) so I can connect to my Home PC?"
Instead of using 3389 as the post says, you may need to change it to 5900 or any other port your VNC is running on.
5 Posts
August 9th, 2015 22:00
just do not know which port number & host address on pocketcloud .. ??
Many tanks
925 Posts
August 9th, 2015 22:00
1. we need to enable vnc on mac.
2. After enabling we can connect using pocketcloud.
Instructions to enable vnc on mac are :
1. open "System Preferences"
2. click "Sharing" in "Internet & Wireless" section.
3. check "Remote Management" on the left table
4. click "Computer Settings..."
5. check "VNC viewers may control screen with password: " Please enter the password for vnc access.
Wyse PocketCloud Team