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1 Rookie


14 Posts


April 11th, 2024 18:28


2nd installed WMS on a system we come back some days later to license this free version and we are unbale to get logged in.  WMS will not accept the username or password. We are using a test account and simple password we use for test installs.  This install is on a systems not connected to the internet.   

Has anyone seen this problem?  Is there a way to reset the login account without reinstalling?  We have also had problems licensing WMS, it will not accept the key Dell provided.   Between the login breaking and the licensing key not working on the FREE software.  GEEZ DELL!


3 Apprentice


724 Posts

April 11th, 2024 19:11

if you enabled connection to an SMTP server as part of the WMS install you can leverage the password reset at the login screen. If you did not, remove WMS and reinstall.   Make sure to use the 4.3 installer as the 4.2 installer which first introduced the Standard licensing registration had some issues fixed in 4.3 

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