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This post is more than 5 years old


June 2nd, 2015 09:00

Wyse Device Manager 4.8 Install Fails...install.dll not found

Wyse Device Manager 4.8 Install Fails...install.dll not found

Installing WDM 4.8 on XP Pro SP3.
Have installed FTP and IIS prior.
Install fails with "unable to initialize libraries", the install log has an entry just prior to abort that says "Wyse Install.dll not found". Here's the install log
15:15:03|Setup.Rul|109| OnBegin()::Enter
15:15:04|Setup.Rul|167| Root Set
15:15:04|Setup.Rul|188| RapportDB
15:15:04|Setup.Rul|1798| SetDataAccessVersion Begin
15:15:04|Setup.Rul|1804| Root key successfully set to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
15:15:04|Setup.Rul|1808| Accesing registry information
15:15:04|Setup.Rul|1814| Regkey value 2.81.1132.0
15:15:04|Setup.Rul|1819| Trying to change registry key.
15:15:04|Setup.Rul|1825| New value of 2.9 is set
15:15:04|featureevents.rul|676| MDAC_Installing Begin
15:15:04|featureevents.rul|689| MDAC_Installing End
15:15:04|featureevents.rul|709| MDAC_Installed Begin
15:15:04|featureevents.rul|736| MDAC_Installed End
15:15:04|Setup.Rul|1837| SetDataAccessVersion End
15:15:08|Setup.Rul|266| OnBegin()::No previous installation detected
15:15:08|Setup.Rul|276| OnBegin()::Initializing external DLLs
15:15:09|database.rul|58| Wyse install.dll was not found and
15:15:21|Setup.Rul|1483| OnAbort()::Enter
15:15:21|Setup.Rul|1762| ResetDataAccessVersion Begin
15:15:21|Setup.Rul|1769| Root key successfully set to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
15:15:21|Setup.Rul|1775| Accesing registry information
15:15:21|Setup.Rul|1780| New value read 2.81.1132.0
15:15:21|Setup.Rul|1787| Old value is set
15:15:21|Setup.Rul|1791| ResetDataAccessVersion End
15:15:21|Setup.Rul|1528| OnAbort()::Exit

5 Posts

June 2nd, 2015 09:00

Extracted all files from the install package. Ran setup, same problem. "Wyse Install.DLL not found"

5 Posts

June 2nd, 2015 09:00

I think that's what I did, but I'll go through the process again to confirm.

Thanks for your response

June 2nd, 2015 09:00

Run the install package to decompress your files w/o running setup.exe automatically.

3 Posts

June 15th, 2015 05:00

Try to download it manually by Google.. Your (Wyse Install. DLL not found) should be fixed...

1 Message

June 16th, 2015 04:00

It's not working in 2.3.3 android



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