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This post is more than 5 years old


September 8th, 2005 23:00

Toolbar disappears how do you get it back?

I have a question out there for you good people and I feel somewhat stupid too. Trouble with the Start and the whole toolbar going across the bottom of the computer. Can someone please help me no how to get it back? I know it must me so easy that I cannot see it before me.

65 Posts

September 9th, 2005 00:00

Insert SmiliesI think you mean the Task Bar but no matter the name it is possible you dragged it off the bottom with the mouse.
I have done some strange things by accidently holding the button down and not looking as I hit the bottom and lost mine.
I also rearranged it and did the same to Tool Bars at the top.
Just like if you wanted to you can drag it to the top or sides.
It drove me crazy until I got lucky and held the pointer in the right spot and got the double arrows showing I grabbed something or just kept trying to grab something till I pulled it back up.
There are no settings or adjustments for this weird thing if that's what happened you gotta grab it somehow to get it back.
You may also have Auto Hide on but it should come up when you get near it.
Good luck Be patient
If I didn't get it right maybe the next guy will.

139 Posts

September 9th, 2005 00:00

I think you are correct and I will try it tomorrow.

Thanks again.


683 Posts

September 9th, 2005 11:00


See if this link helps.

65 Posts

September 9th, 2005 13:00

 That was a great reply Lain or Gugeon.

I see you mention Back Up, on the Bottom .

May I inquire about the one you have to add in from the Dell Windows XP CD.?

I did that and used it but now I'm not sure where I backed it up to.

Do I just run that Back Up exe program again to recover what I backed up.

I sent it to my W 2K dell 8100 from my Dell 8250 and am thinking of burning it to some DVDs .

Just don't know if I am doing it right.

Does anything above sound like I am on the right track?

Thanks much

683 Posts

September 10th, 2005 06:00

Hi Don

To be honest, I've very little experience with the MS Backup utility - I've used it a few times on Windows 2000 Pro using tape as the storage media but I prefer other solutions.

This article should explain it better than I can. As I understand it, with XP Pro, you can perform a full restore including the System State, with XP Home you can't do an automated restore and so are limited to restorinfg files manually.

My backup solution uses Casper XP which is a very easy to use program (always important in a backup strategy - the simpler, the better). I have a second hard drive on my Dell and use Casper XP to mirror my main drive to this on a regular basis. In the event of catastrophe, the second drive is bootable and can be swapped in 10 minutes to get me up and running. The program has an incremental option which makes this backup process very fast.

I partition my main drive C:, D:, E: with E: having all my data files. On a regular basis, I also use Casper XP to copy E: to a smaller drive in a USB enclosure so I have a separate copy of my vital files in case of lightning strike or whatever. Hard drives and USB enclosures are now dirt cheap and are my preferred backup medium, although I do occasionally burn some files to DVD as well because I'm paranoid about data security! I do some IT support work and it just amazes me how many people don't have any kind of backup strategy and how many that do have never tested its effectiveness.

Hope this is of some use to you - BTW, it's Iain, not Lain (Iain being the Gaelic form of Ian) - I must get around to changing my signature to make it more legible ;-).

Good luck with your backup strategy.
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