This post is more than 5 years old
1 Rookie
11 Posts
September 7th, 2014 12:00
Product key was blocked by your manufacturer
Purchased my Dell Latitude E6320 from a third-party. I have had multiple problems with Windows Activation. I have had the following errors:
- Not Genuine on the Desktop. After verifying that Windows 7 Ultimate is Activated in System Properties, the Not Genuine notification on the desktop goes away.
- Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool (MGADiag) states the OS is genuine.
I spoke with Microsoft Answer Desk and they diagnosed through Remote Desktop Session. The tell me the product key was blocked by your manufacturer. That means your product key maybe expired that only your manufacturer has the ability to reactivate it.
Seriously? This machine was purchased from third-party on 8/3/14 and went out of warranty on 9/4/14. Do I now have to contact Dell to have my OS reactivated? Will Dell even assist me with this problem.
Has anyone heard of such nonsense?
Any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
9 Legend
9 Legend
16.1K Posts
September 7th, 2014 13:00
Microsoft should deal with product activation issues not Dell. Unfortunately it seems you are in the Microsoft-OEM end user triangle of blame.
Contacting Dell will likely be a referral back to Microsoft or shipment of a Dell Windows Reinstallation DVD and manual clean installation. OS media requests may be difficult for systems purchased via third parties. You may have to fill out an owner transfer form first:
For this reason I usually use a Digital River .iso and ABR activation files, you will need to check that you are licensed correctly, i.e. the system has a Windows 7 Ultimate COA:
See here for more details, I explain the Windows 7 OEM OS activation mechanism in more detail: