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This post is more than 5 years old


February 24th, 2008 15:00

Permenatly stopping background process....

Hi all!  Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.  My computer is running at a snails pace and I believe it to be because of the mountains of processes that are always running on my PC.  I've all ready disabled unnecessary start up programs and that helped a little.  My question is, once I have identified background processes that are not necessary how do I permanatly stop them from running automatically?  I know how to simply end the process in the Task Manager but it starts up again during my next restart.  Any help you can provide would be great.  Thanks.

14.4K Posts

February 24th, 2008 15:00

before stopping any services, how much ram do you have?

12.1K Posts

February 24th, 2008 16:00

I've looked at your other posts you made and not one of them that I saw had your computer model number, how much ram, video card nor OS you are using that always helps the person that wants to help you.  Should always list the following if you need help


1.  System Model number


2.  OS you have on the system


3.  How much ram


4.  Video card installed


5.  Size monitor also helps since the wider monitors need more ram for games if that is what you do.


Things you can do to improve the performance of your system.

1. More Memory

Windows XP: likes 512 MB minimum, but 1 GB or more will improve things. I like 2 GB.

Windows Vista: likes 2 GB of memory to work at its best, but 1 GB will work.

2. Hard drive needs to be defragged.

If the hard drive is full or near full, this will slow the system down, and you need to unload some of the programs, pictures, music, etc to free up some space. Or get another larger hard drive

3. Use two spyware programs, and keep them up to date, use them often to get the spyware off.

CCleaner, is a freeware system optimization/privacy tool. It removes unused and temporary files from your system , which helps Windows to run faster.

It cleans the following:

1. Internet Explorer Cache, History, Cookies, Index.dat;
2. Recycle Bin, Temporary files and Log files;
3. Recently opened URLs and files;
4. Third-party application temp files and recent file lists (MRUs);
5. Including: Firefox, Opera, Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Office XP, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and more...

It also contains an "Advanced Registry Scanner" and cleaner to remove unused and old entries to include File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts, etc.

4. Disable all, but the Anti Virus software and Firewall at boot up. No other program really needs to start up at boot, which takes resources and slows things down.

Stop Unnecessary Startup programs

Below procedure will provide a faster boot up, and eliminate wasting memory on programs that are not in use at this time, and may help gaming as well.

5. Both Vista and Windows XP clean up procedures provided below

Start up programs for Vista OS:

Click on START, than put in the Start Search box just above Start, MSCONFIG. Msconfig will appear near the top of this box, click on it. Now you are in the System Configuration Utility Program. Click on START UP you see on the top of this Utility Program. Uncheck the programs from here that you do not want to start at boot up, leaving the Anti Virus, and any third party Firewall alone as well as any video card driver. You can always go back into this program to restart them. They will not be uninstalled, just disabled. Click on APPLY, than it will ask you if you wish to reboot the system. Do so.

After it boots up again, you will be presented with another start up warning window in the lower right side of the screen, which says “Windows has blocked some start up programs". Click on this icon in the system tray, put your mouse pointer over the "Run blocked Program" than another window will appear stating “System Configuration Utility". Click on this, and a box will appear in the middle of the screen. From the System Configuration Utility Program box that appears, it will tell you that you have made an adjustment. If you don't want to see this pop up each time you boot up, put a check mark in the little box in the lower left corner of this announcement.

Start up programs for Windows XP:

Click on START, Click on Run, than put in the box MSCONFIG Click OK. Now you are in the System Configuration Utility Program. Click on START UP you see on the top of this Utility Program. Uncheck the programs from here that you do not want to start at boot up, leaving the Anti Virus and any third party firewall alone. You can always go back into this program to restart them. They will not be uninstalled.

Click on APPLY, than it will ask you if you wish to reboot the system. Do so. After it boots up again, you will be presented with another window from the System Configuration Utility Program telling you that you have made an adjustment. If you don't want to see this pop up each time you boot up, put a check mark in the little box in the lower left corner of this announcement.  

Link above is to a site that can explain what you have starting up, if you do not already know, and which ones you can safely un-check. It’s a long list. Or you can Google Search for what is showing in the Msconfig program, and see what it is...

6. If your video card is of the low end or older now, you may wish to install an upgrade.

7. Use the Disk CleanUp program

By freeing disk space, you can improve the performance of your computer. The Disk Cleanup tool helps you free up space on your hard disk. The utility identifies files that you can safely delete, and then enables you to choose whether you want to delete some or all of the identified files.

Use Disk Cleanup to:

Remove temporary Internet files.

Remove downloaded program files (such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets).

Empty the Recycle Bin.

Remove Windows temporary files.

Remove optional Windows components that you don't use.

Remove installed programs that you no longer use.

8. Many have done a complete Reformat and Reinstall of the Operating System, which will bring it back to day one again, making things faster. Lots of work and you must save everything you do not wish to lose prior to the reformat.

9. Clean out E-mail Inbox that will help to speed up your system slightly.

10. Dusting, and cleaning of the system, reducing heat build-up will help matters as well. If you have a notebook, use a can of compressed air weekly in the vents, but no more than two weeks if in a dusty area.

11. Check your drivers. They may be way out of date. Download the more current drivers if need be.

319 Posts

February 24th, 2008 16:00

You can do one of two things:

Go into the programs themselves and disable anything in them that talks about running at windows startup, et cetera.

Go into control panel, into adminstrative tools, services and disabling the services in there by double-clicking each one of those you want disabled and choosing disable.

I'd suggest the first method, because some programs will undo the second method's changes.

12K Posts

February 25th, 2008 00:00

Have you scanned for spyware?  Also, go into the Task Manager and Processes Tab and see what is taking up the largest % other than System Idle.

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