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This post is more than 5 years old


July 5th, 2004 23:00

Downloading Internet Explorer 6 SP1

I have spent over six hours trying to achieve a successful download of Internet Explorer 6 SP1.

I tried downloading online with detailed instructions. The final step was inputting the following in the Open field: "C:\Downloads\ie6setup.exe/c:ie6wzd.exe (which doesn't exist on my computer)/d/s:""#E".

The installation progress starts 1%, 2% then jumps to eighty-some % then goes up to 100%. A box then appears that states that six different programs were not installed, one of them being Internet Explorer 6.

I then invested in the CD-ROM itself. The installation results were exactly the same. I clicked on "Help" and I got a message that says that my setup files appear to be present and that I should contact Microsoft. I attempted to do this, but it appears that I may have to pay for the solution. No way.

I disabled my security systems (System Mechanic & Norton) prior to installation. What could be causing the Service Pack from being installed?

Whoever supplies the solution to a successful installation will be in my prayers for the next week. Oh yes, my operating system is Windows Me.

Tom Sekelsky


18.8K Posts

July 6th, 2004 02:00


I have no idea where the /c:ie6wzd.exe came from. When you attempted to download IE6 SP1 the first time you should have gotten a file called ie6setup.exe which was 480K in size. Double-clicking that file should have reconnected to the Microsoft Web site from which SP1 would have been installed.

Since I expect you have upgraded the version of IE on your computer to IE6, you might try going to Start|Settings|Control Panel|Add/Remove Programs. Select Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Tools and when you click the Add/Remove button select the option to restore the previous Windows configuration.

If that is successful, try locating ie6setup.exe (with the date you first tried to update--there may be one left over from your earlier upgrde to IE6) and double-clicking it. IE6 SP1 should then install. Post back with any progress that is made.

18.8K Posts

July 7th, 2004 03:00


Thanks. Duly added to Favorites.

2K Posts

July 7th, 2004 03:00

Denny, shows a way to download the entire IE6SP1 file instead of installing from the net. That is where the "C:\Downloads\ie6setup.exe" /c:"ie6wzd.exe /d /s:""#E" line comes from.
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