
This post is more than 5 years old

639 Posts


January 8th, 2004 06:00


Hello-The Norton Live Update is NOT WORKING.  I had to uninstall both Norton AntiVirus and Norton SystemWorks. If your Norton AntiVirus is displaying the screen in the post below, your Norton AntiVirus Program is corrupted. You do not have virus protection, no matter what the graphics say. After uninstalling Norton AntiVirus, I installed avast!Home antivirus software(it's free) so I can get back online to figure out what to do.


Message Edited by Ron B on 01-08-2004 12:29 AM

25 Posts

January 9th, 2004 00:00

This link is not working - well for me anyway...

2 Intern


18.8K Posts

January 9th, 2004 01:00


I installed NAV2003 yesterday to replace my soon-to-expire NAV2002. Updated fine on my XP system but I was not able to get the 1/08/04 definitions until I used volcano11's link. I was not affected by the problem reported in this thread.

I've been using NAV for 10 years and this is the first report of major problems with Live Update that I have seen, so I'm not planning to discard NAV as a bad idea.

(By the way, I got my NAV through Amazon.com for $6.75 plus S+H for a total of around $10.)

Message Edited by Denny Denham on 01-08-2004 07:28 PM

2 Intern


5.8K Posts

January 9th, 2004 02:00

Thanks, Denny.

Think I'll stick with NAV-it's done its job well
the 3 years I've had it too.

But all those cheap buys at Amazon are not
available north of the border, alas!  It's a
39.95USD upgrade.

73 Posts

January 9th, 2004 11:00

I'm keeping it too, but that doesn't change the fact that either Symantec or Verisign really dropped the ball on this one, causing problems for many users!  Someone wasn't doing their job. If they were, they would have known a certificate was about to expire. It's almost like they caused their own virus!


Message Edited by srcopprell on 01-09-2004 07:44 AM

639 Posts

January 9th, 2004 15:00

Indeed, Symantec and Verisign have caused a great deal of trouble for their customers.

Symantec's Fix: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/sharedtech.nsf/docid/2004010810205113

volcano11's earlier post linking to Verisign for the certificate update and manual update of virus definitions from Symantec is the way to go. The Verisign server has been besieged by download requests, so it may take you awhile.

Like Denny Denham, I have been a loyal Norton customer for many years and will most likely continue to use their AV program, but now I view them as my choice not because I think they are a quality program, but because there are no real alternatives, especially in corporate or OEM situations. I tried a free AV program. While I applaud the efforts of software developers to offer free AV software, it just did not have the sophistication of the Norton program and would be difficult to use in anything but a personal, average PC situation. 

January 9th, 2004 22:00

After the latest update of 1/7/04, I was asked to allow access through the Norton Firewall.  Then, my subscription status was checked as it is to expire this month.  Clicking "skip," it updates without problem. 

2 Intern


4.4K Posts

January 10th, 2004 15:00

I have no problems with NAV 2003 now either. I did initially have the problem after all updates including Livereg of slow shortcut reponse with 'check for publishers certificate revocation' checked in the advanced tab, but solved it my own way (see one of my posts in

That was before Volcano11's info on downloading the 8 Jan virus updates and the other suggestion to update the verisign certificate, both of which I have also done without any problems. Everything works fine, with that box in advanced tab again checked.

Message Edited by JRosenfeld on 01-10-2004 05:13 PM

January 10th, 2004 16:00

I uninstalled Microsofts Word and now everythings works again without a delay.  I'm hope they have a fix real soon.

186 Posts

January 10th, 2004 16:00

Unhappy, see Symantec's solution on their website:


12 Posts

January 10th, 2004 20:00

Have been using NAV on four computers for about six years now and just installed NAV 2003 a couple of days agp on an old laptop that I just pulled out of the closet with Windows 98 OS.  Installation went w/o a hitch and all updates downloaded properly.  Have never had any problems in the past and remain very satisfied with NAV.

11.9K Posts

January 11th, 2004 13:00

I ran into the slowdown on one machine only with it asking for Word and Excel permissions to access the internet.  The other two machines did have the Live Update problem.

I also have another problem since '04 started - error 3019,3 when NAV starts to run, saying a file isn't able to be opened.  It's on 2 of the 3 machines, and different non-Symantec files are listed on each machine, although the same file comes up each time on each machine.  Symantec's suggested fixes don't work, although their last suggestion on the list is to uninstall and reinstall NAV.  Since I can just click OK and then it runs fine, I'm not going there, but I did email them and tell them to fix it.

I too have not had Symantec issues over the years until now.

25 Posts

January 11th, 2004 13:00


If I downloaded and ran volcano11's link, does that take care of the whole problem?  Meaning that the problem with VeriSign is updated and taken care of, as well as Symantec's latest updates?


2 Intern


4.4K Posts

January 11th, 2004 14:00

You could check whether the updated Verisign certificate is there, If not, get it.

In IE, Tools, internet options, content tab click certificates; Trusted root certification authorities tab; for convenience, click on the expiry date column twice to get the most recent dates on top, else scroll down to the verisign entries; the update is called Verisign class 3 Primary CA in the friendly name column, and has expiry date 01/08/2028.

25 Posts

January 12th, 2004 16:00


Thanks for your reply - I do have the updated certificate.  Microsoft Word still takes forever to load up though, shouldn't that be back to normal?

thanks again!

1 Message

January 12th, 2004 19:00

JRosenfeld, thanks for the info. I downloaded the certificate but was still a hint worried that I got it o.k. & wasn't sure where to look to check it..Thanks to your info, I checked and it was indeed in there. However, the expiration date of my certificate says 8/1/2028. You put the expiration date was 1/8/2028. ??? Is my info corrupted or did you mean to put 8/1/2028? Always some silly little detail to get one thinking. Regards, Oregonian.

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