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April 18th, 2022 07:00

Dell XPS Windows USB - can this be used to install Windows to another PC?

I have a Dell Windows 10 USB stick that came with the XPS 8930. Can this be used to install Windows to a non-XPS PC? I would guess not. Can it be used to install Windows to a different XPS 8930, or is it tied to the motherboard on the particular XPS 8930 that the stick came with?



25.2K Posts

April 19th, 2022 01:00

We tried reaching you on a private message asking for the Service Tag number to ascertain the warranty but did not receive a response. Please feel free to reply to the private message whenever you are available.

48 Posts

April 19th, 2022 02:00

Windows 10 can be installed on any PC you want, but you would need to purchase a new key.

43 Posts

April 19th, 2022 06:00


But I didn't have to manually enter a Windows product key when I reinstalled Windows to the XPS 8930 (to a new SSD) using this USB stick, so maybe the stick is coded to perhaps the motherboards used in the 8930 line, or to this specific motherboard in this particular machine. Trying to understand how this works.

43 Posts

April 21st, 2022 17:00

@Vic38  thanks, that explains why I was able to install to a different disk. 

"If the motherboard is replaced, activation no longer works."

The installer on the USB stick is tied to the Dell motherboard.


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