
This post is more than 5 years old

1 Rookie


33 Posts


July 31st, 2015 19:00

Dell Untested XPS 8300 upgraded to Windows 10 - So Far So Good

After waiting several days for the Windows 10 notification app to upgrade my Dell XPS 8300 and reading the gloomy news on the Dell forums on which Dell systems had been tested for windows 10,  I decided to proceed with to proceed with a manual upgrade. My system is a Dell XPS 8300 with 16GB memory, an AMD Radeon HD 6800 graphics card and a 2 TB hard disk. I use graphic drivers obtained directly from AMD.

The Windows 10 app had indicated no issues with my system so I decided to proceed knowing there was a change I might have to reinstall my old OS if it failed. Downloading and installing the OS took about 90 minutes and I have been trying different applications (MMOs, ms office, browsers, etc) the last several hours with out any major issues other than some of the Itune folders which had permission issues.

Other people have reported problems upgrading XPS 8300 to WIndows 10. I suspect the problems are due to specific drivers/devices in the systems. It would have been nice if Dell told us the specific devices with issues instead of specific computer systems.

But then perhaps they felt that would be overload.

1 Rookie


33 Posts

August 1st, 2015 13:00

System continues to be stable with Windows 10. The learning curve from Windows 7 to Windows 10 is easy. I'm also starting to like the tiles. 

I'm haven't been impressed with the the new mail app and am migrating from WLM to Thunderbird as well as from pop to imap mail servers.I don't have a feel for system performance  yet. It's not worse but it isn't significantly better either. 3D Graphics applications are performing ok, but AMD has a new driver update, I'll try later today.

As I said before. So far, so good.

1 Rookie


43 Posts

August 1st, 2015 23:00

My XPS 8300 has a major issue with the integrated Broadcom gigabit network adapter. After a while it drops the network and especially if hitting the network hard or when I browse my local network. Only way to get it back is a reboot. I use it for work and I have to reboot every 15 to 30 mins which is somewhat annoying. Apparently this is a common issue with Broadcom NICs on Windows 10 but fixable with new drivers. Of course Dell hasn't updated the driver since 2013 and the adapter is specific to Dell so Broadcom's own downloads don't work.

The install never flagged the hardware as an issue, which suggests the drivers are certified for Win 10, but clearly not.

Dell's attitude of not supplying drivers to slightly older models that aren't that old and way above minimum spec for Windows 10 isn't good. I don't expect full support, but the drivers aren't much to sort out. They are going yo have a lot of annoyed people considering Microsoft are pushing Windows 10 upgrades on people hard.

Daft thing is I've also got a Venue 11 Pro which is on Dell's tested list and yet the cameras don't work after upgrade!

1 Rookie


33 Posts

August 2nd, 2015 06:00

I'm not using the broadband gigabit network adapter but I am using the DW1520 Wireless-N WLAN Half-Mini Card and haven't had any issues with my Wi-Fi. Since Dell isn't providing all the drivers for specific systems I can see that we are getting a lot of generic drivers. My system is running OK, but it's not optimal in my opinion. My wireless network and graphics look to have performance similar to what I had in Windows 7 but I'm not sure how optimal the USB adapters are. Copying data to external disks connected by usb looks to be slower than Windows 7.

It isn't the best situation and I'm not happy with Dell. Dell punted on the older systems and told the user base it's your problem. I expected better from Michael Dell. I was planning to replace my system later this year with either a Dell XPS desktop or an Alienware desktop. Now I'm going to seriously look at other vendors.

2 Posts

August 2nd, 2015 14:00

I have the exact same issue with my XPS 8300. I'm hoping that Dell will put out and updated driver soon.

1 Rookie


43 Posts

August 2nd, 2015 16:00

I have the exact same issue with my XPS 8300. I'm hoping that Dell will put out and updated driver soon.

All Dell are saying is they don't recommend Windows 10 on any computers not listed as one they tested. A bit late for the thousands surely who got the Get Windows 10 icon on their Dell computer, reserved Windows 10 and Microsoft said the computer was fine to run Windows 10.
Microsoft have aimed Windows 10 at a fairly low benchmark and a lot of older systems will run it. They want everyone on Windows 7 who held off Windows 8, to jump to 10, and that means a lot of old systems.
Dell are just saying only the latest models are supported. Even then though what they say is tested doesn't mean it works, e.g. my camera issue with the Venue 11 Pro.

1 Message

August 3rd, 2015 07:00

I am having exactly the same issues. Researching online, a number of "solutions" have been presented. 

1. Managing device properties so that the device cannot turn off to save power

- Tried this and no change.

2. Updating Drivers

- As the OP mentioned, there are no updated drivers published for this adaptto

3. Contact Dell for update.

- Stock answer, Dell does not recommend updating to Windows 10 if your machine is not listed.

That only leaves option 4: Roll back to Windows 7. 

- Well this needs to be done within a month, so the clock is ticking. I too use my computer for work and I cannot afford these constant disconnections.

1 Message

August 3rd, 2015 07:00

Wirepaladin1872 - have you powered-OFF your system completely ( not just RESTART ) ? We have run Win10 for a couple of days with now issues, but with thunderstorm yesterday, we powered off the system during the storm and have 'real-time clock' failure on restart ( 5 beeps ) Replaced backup CR2032 battery as first step but still 5-beep on startup. Now suspecting WIN10 possible interaction

2 Posts

August 3rd, 2015 07:00

I installed a PCIe Network card (wireless) and it overrides the built-in LAN port. I have had no problems since. Windows 10 seems to run very well so far.

56 Posts

August 5th, 2015 11:00

I have a subscription to Dell Concierge and the tech told me that they are eventually going to get to all the Dell Computers to test them. I have the XPS 8300 desktop.  Even though Microsoft says my computer is good to go with Windows 10, I am going to wait until my model is tested and perhaps drivers updated. The tech did tell me to go directly to the AMD website to download the latest driver for my video card (AMD Radeon HD 5670) which I did. 

My network card is DW 1520 wireless-N WLAN half mini card also.

1 Rookie


33 Posts

August 5th, 2015 20:00

Wirepaladin1872 - have you powered-OFF your system completely ( not just RESTART ) ? We have run Win10 for a couple of days with now issues, but with thunderstorm yesterday, we powered off the system during the storm and have 'real-time clock' failure on restart ( 5 beeps ) Replaced backup CR2032 battery as first step but still 5-beep on startup. Now suspecting WIN10 possible interaction

I've been running the system several days now without problems. I shut down  the system each day and power up the next day. No issues so far. 

August 6th, 2015 08:00

I have the XPS 8500 and I've also upgraded it from Windows 8.1 to 10 and have encountered no problems so far. My Nvidia GPU auto downloaded the latest driver itself and so did the audio. I hope the XPS 8500 gets support from Dell in the near future as I only bought it in February 2013. I hope you guys get support for the 8300 also.

August 6th, 2015 21:00

Experiencing the exact same issue with XPS 8000; started with W 10 upgrade. Looks like a roll back to W 7 is in my future.

August 7th, 2015 10:00

Rolled back to W7; problem solved.

Have not detected any further issues yet due to rollback.

1 Rookie


43 Posts

August 8th, 2015 04:00

Fix for the Broadcom network dropping issue...


In short, install the older Windows 7 driver (search for R282233).

You might have to uninstall the existing driver first. I had to run the installer twice. First time it installed but the driver version was still newer. Second time, uninstalled then reinstalled and got the older Windows 7 driver. Has been fine since.

1 Message

August 8th, 2015 07:00

I am having the same problem with my network card.

Description: Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet

I never saw this problem when using the Win10 Technical Previews.

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