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This post is more than 5 years old


December 7th, 2008 18:00

"Corrupt Config\System" error message..resolutions?

Hi all.....


I have a Dell 8400.

I got the \Windows\System32\Config\System error messgae upon startup.

I spent several weeks, well actually a half hour lol with an online tech.

Of course, nothing was resolved.

After reading several hundred replies here and other tech sites, I am still unable to boot my system.

I have run out of ideas.


I think I have it nailed down to it being a hard drive failure after reading replies from the more prolific posters here.


My question/s ( finally) are.


Has anyone ever sucessfully repaired their existing system?

How did you do it?

If I replace the hard drive, will my existing Dell supplied Operating system disks install to the new hard drive?

Has anyone done this?


Please reply as I will need to order a new hard drive soon....

Due to economic circumstances I cannot afford a new PC at this time, but when i am able to, will be buying a Dell of course.


Please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanking you in advance, a satisfied dell customer.

23 Posts

December 8th, 2008 05:00

NO need to do a reinstall reformat DELL would have you believe you newed a nuckear bomb where a flyswatter is only necessary

run the chkdsk/f utility preferably from a copy of WINPE disc or some other suchutility disc

USUALLY that area of the drive needs a REPAIR. I have done it but forget exactly WHAT I did.

This is one of the FEW areas that I prefer VISTA; it automates a repair for you and usually does a good job!

good luck


23 Posts

December 8th, 2008 05:00

IF you get a new drive (if U insist) the dell supplied discs will alow you to reinstall as oif it were new

Thing is all old favorites etc are ALL gone

You can retrieve them by strapping on the old drive when u get the new one up and running

If it is XP then under Documents and Settings are your old esktop icons etc...

good luck




17K Posts

December 8th, 2008 05:00


Thank you for using the Dell Community Forum.

Have you tried formatting and reinstalling windows? If not, you may want to go ahead and reinstall. The error is a Windows error and is not a hard drive problem. When you do decide to put a new hard drive in the computer you will be able to reinstall Windows with no problems.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 8th, 2008 11:00

If you have XP SP2 on the hard drive and have your Dell XP SP2 Reinstallation CD, you can just do a repair/reinstall of XP on your existing hard drive. All personal files will be ok, but you will have to reinstall all SP2 updates and hotfixes (ie, update to SP3).


If the drive has already been updated to SP3, you can create a bootable "slip-streamed" CD with XP SP2 from your Dell CD and SP3 downloaded free from Microsoft. And then use the slip-streamed CD to run the repair/reinstall.  Here's a good "how-to" for slip-streaming XP with SP3.



5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

December 8th, 2008 12:00

My fix is pretty straightforward and works most of the time


1) Boot to the Recovery Console using the Windows CD

2) Copy the 'system' file from c:\windows\repair to c:\windows\system32\config

3) Reboot

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 8th, 2008 16:00

That may not work if the CD has SP2 but the hard drive has SP3...


6 Posts

December 10th, 2008 11:00

Thankyou for all the replies so far....


The problem is I cannot get into any place where entering a command is possible, including safe mode, etc.

I would love to wipe the drive and start over as all existing important items on the drive were backed up

( ALWAYS BACK UP!!!!!) prior to the failure.


At this moment, none of the drives, including the boots, are "not recognized.


I will continue to try all options including the ones suggested in this thread.

I consider this a challange as i think i am "good" with computers, but not


Once again...Thank you all.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 10th, 2008 15:00

If everything is backed up, then use PC Restore to reset the hard drive to 'factory condition".  All personal files and any software you installed will be lost, so be sure you've got everything you need on external media.

Availability of PC Restore assumes that your system was shipped after July 14, 2004 and you haven't previously reformatted or replaced the original hard drive.  Reboot and press/hold Ctrl key as soon as you see the narrow blue band across the top of the screen. While holding Ctrl, quickly press F11 and release both at the same time. Follow the prompts.


As soon as PC Restore is done, get antiviral software and firewall running. Then go directly to the MS update site and download ALL hotfixes for Windows (eg, SP3), Internet Explorer, Office, etc, etc.


While you're logged in, you can edit any of your posts by clicking the [Edit] link in the gray bar at the bottom of that post.  I don't think anyone is happy with this new version of the forum.



10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 11th, 2008 14:00

What color are the 4 diagnostic LEDs on rear of tower when it won't boot? If not all green, look up error codes here. Power off and disconnect PC from the wall. Press/hold power button for ~15 sec. Open the case and remove the battery from the motherboard. Press/hold the power button again for ~30 sec. Reinstall the battery -right side up! See if it boots now. And if the battery is more than ~2-3 yrs old replace it with a new 3-Volt CR2032 lithium coin cell (~$2-$3 at Walmart, Target, etc). 4th attempt to post... :emotion-6: Ron

6 Posts

December 11th, 2008 14:00

Thankyou Ron....


I cant get any of the above to work....( PC Restore)( key combo) only keys taht are available to me are F2 and F12  and F1 which results in a reboot.................

Splash screen loads, F12 is able to run diagnostics which is telling me all my drives are working with no errors listed in the results section.

The PATA drives are listed and jumpered correctly

I tried booting from the ( Boot Sequence) usb drives listed avail

switched to SATA hared drive listed first, also no avail.


I wish there was a utility ( free of course) available that I could download, copy and slip into the 3.5 drive to boot this


And I thought i had already edited my comment about the forum display...rotf.....


I will probably get the hang of it after the next 6 or 700 posts.....

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 11th, 2008 14:00

Sorry for the run on paragraph. The forum refused to accept the paragraph breaks and won't let me edit it.

And here are the links it won't accept:

Error codes:


Remove battery:





6 Posts

December 11th, 2008 14:00



F8 is available to lists all the standard options, but upon highlighting and hitting enter....

all options return me to the config error message....


tried this in both usb and hard drive boot first sequences.....


Each time I try this repair, I am more and more sure this is probably a a simple combination of magic key combos only available to confirmed and exalted computer

1.7K Posts

December 11th, 2008 15:00

We're getting there, Ron.  We're getting there. ;)  I just tracked down the problem with Rick's sig, and paragraph spacing is next on my personal list (right after the specific changes to fix ordered/unordered lists).

2.9K Posts

December 11th, 2008 17:00

Ok!  Here's how to solve your problem.  Go here:

Read the instructions on how to build the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows.  Actually, it's very simple.  Click on "Downloads" in the left pane. Download the UBCD executable and install it.  Next, read the instructions on how to create the UBCD iso and burn it to CD/DVD.

Once you have created the bootable UBCD, insert it into the CD/DVD drive of the 8400.  Restart the 8400.  Either press F2 to go into the BIOS and set the CD/DVD as the first boot device and then restart, or press F12 while the Dell logo is on the screen.  Select the CD/DVD drive as the boot drive.  Press Enter. 

Once the UBCD desktop is up, you can use it to backup data on your hard drive, run chkdsk, virus scans or whatever you need to do to repair your existing Windows system.

If you need assistance, let us know.


6 Posts

December 22nd, 2008 05:00

Thank you for all the help folks....

I will attempt those suggestions before i replace the hard drive....


I had an old ide drive and installed it temporarily and the 8400 booted to it, but of course there were driver issues

so i know the pc is in overall good shape other than that config error


once again


thankyou and Happy Holidays to all.


and to the board techie...


didja guys ever consider revamping this forum to a universally accepted and tried and true format such as V-bulletin?

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