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September 23rd, 2022 21:00

Aurora R12, Windows 11 22H2

As you know, Windows 11 22H2 is available. I created a USB installation drive and updated another Windows 11 computer I have. Can I do the same with my Aurora R12? Note that my Aurora R12 is around 2 months old, and it came with Windows 11.

My question: Is this something I should do, or should I wait for it be made available via "Alienware Update" or via "Microsoft Windows Update"?

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

September 24th, 2022 07:00

Windows updates come directly from Microsoft. They are never offered by Alienware Update.

Microsoft rolls out updates in stages, and the best option it to wait until it becomes available to you as an update in Windows Update. There are currently a few known bugs and one can cause a system crash during installation.

How to get it 

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

September 24th, 2022 07:00

Just an FYI on why waiting is usually a good idea:

Windows 11 Users Complain of Nvidia GeForce Issues After 22H2 Feature Update 



2 Intern


264 Posts

September 24th, 2022 07:00

I did the update to 22H2 on my R13 yesterday. I did have a few issues with it, but it's fixed and all seems to be running OK now. I first noticed that the update was presented to me via Windows Update so I tried it there. That attempt failed. I then tried it via the Windows 11 Update Assistant. That one worked but I then faced another issue. A Windows Update check post 22H2 update showed the September Cumulative Update available so I tried to install it. That update also failed. I then located the standalone updater for the update and downloaded it. That install worked. I did a final check in Windows Update and saw the same update presented again. I attempted the install from Windows Update again and that one worked. Since then all has been fine,

From the chatter going around the net in general, it appears that the problems I had are noted and acknowledged as bugs in the Windows update process (surprise). So if you're aware of the potential for issues and are prepared to work around them, as I did, then you could attempt this update as well. Or if not, wait until Microsoft irons out the installation bugs.

2 Intern


264 Posts

September 24th, 2022 07:00

As you say, the Windows updating process is notorious for being buggy...everything from boot loops to blue screens to not playing nicely with other drivers and apps. I don't disagree with your suggestion to wait. I've always been a bit adventurous in working with Windows update...but that's just me. Part of the reason for me is that I'm not put off by tinkering, I have backup systems handy if things go completely sideways, and once I get things put back together again, I have a better idea of how the pieces parts go together in my systems. It's helped me many times over the years in diagnosing and repairing issues in my clients' systems. And again...that's just me.

And so far, anyway, I haven't noticed the stuttering issue in gaming. I'm running the latest Nvidia drivers on my RTX3090.

18 Posts

September 24th, 2022 16:00

Based on what I am reading here and elsewhere, I'll be patient and wait

18 Posts

October 1st, 2022 13:00

UPDATE - Microsoft made the 22H2 update available and I updated my R12.

  • Quick and simple update
  • No BSOD 
  • All apps and games work just fine (3060 Ti driver was updated before 22H2)

So up to now, all is fine with my R12 and 22H2.

I have another computer (HP) that was offered the update by MS, which resulted in a BSOD. It reverted back to 21H2. Since then, the 22H2 update is no longer available for that HP. It must be the Intel driver issue ... no big deal as I'll wait for MS to make it available for that HP.

My summary: Wait for Microsoft to make 22H2 available ... don't force it. 

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