
This post is more than 5 years old

13 Posts


February 17th, 2008 18:00

Accidentally dragged a folder, can't undo or move it.

Hello, I accidentally dragged a folder from my partitioned drive where I store my music and videos and such. I dragged my videos folder to a folder called 25ebeec08d39a6ee4a23b8d0225b. I tried to undo the move but I get an access denied, write protected or in use error. I have tried everything I can think of including going to safe mode as administrator with same results. In explorer it shows the folder as being empty but if I scan it with norton it shows 108 files so I believe the data is still there somehow but I have no idea how to access it and get it moved back to where it needs to be. Any help would be appreciated.

12.7K Posts

February 17th, 2008 18:00

take ownership of the folder, then try to move the data.




You can also try safe mode, try to Copy the folder somewhere else, then see if you can access the data.

13 Posts

February 19th, 2008 12:00

I have already tried safe mode and it still says access denied but I will try the procedure to take ownership of the folder. Thank you.
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