This post is more than 5 years old
1 Rookie
24 Posts
VxRail sizer options
Hi there, I am using the 4.5 version of the VxRail sizer, and had a couple of options that I am trying to work out for comparisons.
It looks like the only option for MEM in the server is for "Min Memory per processor (GB)". My calculations always end up with a server of 768G size.
I know that it may go against the goal of enhancing consolidation ratios, but I do want to have a choice to look at a server of 384GB size.
But can't figure out how to do that.
Any pointers?
56 Posts
January 24th, 2018 08:00
I would take a look at the required memory based on your workloads. It is likely driving the requirements for >384GB per node.