1 Rookie
57 Posts
NIC sharing for iDRAC on VxRail
For VxRail, is it supported to share NIC on the motherboard for iDRAC like the following link
https://www.dell.com/support/article/en-us/sln306877/dell-poweredge-how-to-configure-the-idrac9-and-the-lifecycle-controller-network-ip?lang=en ?
M y customer doesn't have the switches with RJ45 and wants to share the service switches with SFP+ together. Actually, the customer is saying that another poweredge servers for the customer are already in sharing NICs for their iDRACs. So I would just like to verify whether it is supported on VxRail. Can I say it is also supported on VxRail?
Thanks a lot.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
57 Posts
August 20th, 2020 16:00
I am hearing that I have to file a RPQ as not aware of VxRail natively supporting this. Thanks.