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July 24th, 2012 10:00

VPLEX : How to change the GUI idle timeout value in version 5.1?

Hello EMC,

Can you tell me if the following procedure is also functional in version 5.1 path1 of VPLEX (GeoSynchrony After making the change of the VPlexConsole.ini and restart the management sercice I did not find an increased timeout console GUI VPLEX.

In advance thank you for your feedback.


"VPLEX: How to change the GUI idle timeout value."





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Knowledgebase Solution


How to change the GUI idle timeout value.




Product: VPLEX


After first logging into the GUI, a 10 minute window of inactivity elapses and the user is automatically logged out.


  1. 1.) Log into the management server shell via a ssh

  1. 2.) Change to the smsflex directory via the following command:

'cd /opt/emc/VPlex/apache-tomcat-6.0.x/webapps/smsflex'

  1. 3.) The GUI idle timeout value is stored in a property in the VPlexConsole.ini file (if the file does not exist you will need to create it with the following command ->

'touch VPlexConsole.ini'

a.Open the VPlexConsole.ini file with an editor (ie. emacs/vim) and add the 'AUTO_LOGOUT_MINUTES=x' property to the configuration file (or simply change the value of 'x' if it exists).
To set the GUI logout to 20 minutes, replace the value of 'x' with 20.

       b. Save the file and quit.

  1. 4.) Restart the management console with the following command:

'sudo /etc/init.d/VPlexManagementConsole restart'

  1. 5.) Log out of the management server

  1. 6.) You will need to establish a new GUI session for the new setting to be effective

July 26th, 2012 08:00

Hi Matt,

We wish to extend this deadline because the 5.1 VPLEX release brings view "Performance Dashboard" is it'll be useful to keep this window open to monitor the utilization of our cluster VPLEX.

Do you have a possibility for me?

Note: can you explain the PSO term, I am French and I do not understand the term. I just realized that this is a security issue.


July 26th, 2012 08:00

Hello Matt,

I proceeded to change the file VPlexConsole.ini with the following value: AUTO_LOGOUT_MINUTES = 120. This was not supported. Then I reparameterized AUTO_LOGOUT_MINUTES variable with the value 60. This value seems to be implemented. Of course I restart the service "VPlexManagementConsole" after each change.

Can you tell me if there is a limit in the GUI timeout VPLEX?


July 26th, 2012 22:00

Hi Matt

If this is possible I would like to be put in contact with the product manager VPLEX order to indicate that a solution allowing access to the management console without timeouts will be a real increase in productivity.


NOTE  : For my information the company is: DEPARTEMENT DU BAS-RHIN (CG67)

February 28th, 2013 02:00

Thank you for this answer, can you tell me when this new version will be available? (for EMC World in may 2013 ?) Currently we are in version GeoSynchrony v5.1 Patch 3. If you can not answer me publicly, can you at least tell me if this feature will come in version 5.1 with Patch 4 for example, or if it will be available only in the major version N +1 VPLEX GeoSynchrony. Thank you in advance for your answer

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