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December 19th, 2012 13:00

How to configure LDAP for VPLEX?

I'm trying to configure LDAP authentication and it keeps failing, any help is appriciated:

Also can someone confirm that "Mapprincipal" is equivalent to "OU Search Path"?

VPlexcli:/> configuration configure-auth-service

  Configure Authentication Service Provider (Optional)

  You may select to use your existing LDAP or Active Directory as a directory service to

  authenticate VPLEX users. To configure this, you will need the authentication service

  provider server information, and the security information to map the users.

  Or, you may choose not to configure an authentication service provider at this time.

  You may configure an authentication service provider for authentication at any time,

  using VPLEX CLI commands.

  Would you like to configure an authentication service provider to authenticate VPLEX

  users? (yes/no) [no]: y

  VPLEX supports the following types of authentication service providers:

      1.  LDAP

      2.  AD

  Select the type of authentication service provider you would like use for VPLEX

  authentication. (1 - 2) [1]: 1

  Enter the Authentication Server IP Address []:

  VPLEX supports these connections types:

      1.  SSL

      2.  TLS

  Select your connection type (1 - 2) [2]: 2

  Enter the port to be used for LDAP [389]: 389

  Configure Security Settings for Your Authentication Service Provider

  To configure the Authentication Service Provider you will need: the base disti

  name, the bind distinguished name, and the mapprincipal. Examples of these are

  Base Distinguished Name Example: dc=security,dc=orgName,dc=companyName,dc=com

  Bind Distinguished Name Example:


  Mapprincipal Example: ou=people,dc=security,dc=orgName,dc=companyName,dc=com

  Enter the Base Distinguished Name []: PROD.XXXX.GOV

  Enter the Distinguished Bind Name []: CN=StorageSVC Service Account,OU=Applica - (I input correct DB Name)


Enter the mapprincipal []: OU=Administrative,OU=UserAccounts,DC=PROD,DC=XXXX,                                                                             


cstadmin: Object PAM VPLEX-PAM-Authority configured.

Enter StorageSVC Service Account's password:

Connecting to authentication server (may take 3 minutes) ...

authentication     Evaluation of <

directory-service  ********>> failed.


cause:             Command execution failed.

cause:             ldap_start_tls: Server is unavailable (52)

                   additional info: 00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C090CF0,

                   comment: Error initializing SSL/TLS, data 0, vece

Evaluation of < > failed.

Command execution failed.

ldap_start_tls: Server is unavailable (52)

        additional info: 00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C090CF0, comment: Error initia                                                                             lizing SSL/TLS, data 0, vece

Configuration of the ldap authentication service is incomplete

Rolling back to a known good state

The log summary for configuration automation has been captured in /var/log/VPlex                                                                             /cli/VPlexconfig.log

The task summary and the commands executed for each automation task has been cap                                                                             tured in /var/log/VPlex/cli/VPlexcommands.txt

The output for configuration automation has been captured in /var/log/VPlex/cli/                                                                             capture/VPlexconfiguration-session.txt

Evaluation of < > failed.

Command execution failed.

ldap_start_tls: Server is unavailable (52)

        additional info: 00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C090CF0, comment: Error initia                                                                             lizing SSL/TLS, data 0, vece

configuration            Evaluation of <

configure-auth-service:  configure-auth-service>> failed.

cause:                   Command execution failed.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

December 24th, 2012 11:00

Yes, "Mapprincipal" is equivalent to "OU Search Path".

You need to run 'authentication directory-service configure' VPLEX CLI command.

Please make sure that the principal that you are mapping has UNIX attributes set.

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