This post is more than 5 years old
11 Posts
Expand VPLEX distributed device
We have a request to expand the distributed device present to ESXi as a datastore. How can I extend the distributed volume in VPLEX.
I know the way to get around that is to svmotion the VM to anther datastore which has more free space, but in the windows physical host, if we want to expand the windows disk, we cannot do it without the outage, which is to export from the virtual volume.
Any solution or idea would be helpful.
286 Posts
August 22nd, 2012 05:00
There are a couple options you have. If you have 1:1 mapping , for example 100GB lun from a back end array presented to vplex and that 100GB lun presented to the host, and you want to keep it you can take downtime by tearing down the virtual volume, taking it out of vplex, expanding it on the back end, presenting it back to vplex and creating the virtual volume again.
Another option is to expand the lun by adding extents into vplex. Lets say you have 100GB lun , you can expand it to 110GB by adding extents, this is done online. Then create a new 110GB lun and do a vplex migration to it. This way it is online and you maintain 1:1 mapping.
If you dont care for 1:1 mapping you dont have to migrate it to the new 110GB lun
2 Posts
August 23rd, 2012 01:00
If expand vplex distributed device by expanding the back end array, in addition to size, and other characteristics of the distributed device will change? May be, LUN WWN、host LUN id, …
Which scenarios should the distributed device recommended configuration for the 1:1 mapping?
286 Posts
August 27th, 2012 06:00
It is likely that the LUN WWN of the virtual volume will change when you recreate the virtual volume. The host ID can be set manually. 1:1 mapping is good if you want to use backend array tools such as snapshots / clones