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24 Posts


July 8th, 2020 07:00

Issue in updating drivers

I thought of updating my dell vostro 3470 desktop drivers. I used dell support assist app to find new drivers, I didn't find any new drivers for my pc. But when I search for drivers in dell's official website, i.e, I am able to find lot of latest updates for my pc. Since I don't know the order for installing drivers I used the option available for searching drivers in that website, It also didn't find any drivers. So please tell me that should I install any drivers from that website for my pc or can I just leave it like that. If you recommend me to install drivers from that website then please tell me the order of installing drivers and also send me the chart for latest drivers for dell vostro 3470 sff desktop.



26.4K Posts

July 8th, 2020 07:00

Thank you! We have received the required details. We will work towards a resolution via private messages to ensure the security of your information. In the meanwhile, you may receive assistance or suggestions from the community members as well.



17.1K Posts

July 8th, 2020 07:00



Your system is more than likely updated. You can check frequently on the Dell site for possible updates,




July 8th, 2020 09:00

Sir, What I'm asking to you is should I install drivers from dell website, it is because for my pc I'm able to see a lot of drivers in dell website, or should I just ignore those list of drivers which are available for my pc since dell support assist didn't detect any new driver? 

Sir, Over here I also want to ask you a thing, that is... I ran support assist scan to find drivers for my pc and it didn't find any driver update. But recently I got many blue screen errors in my pc. I got to search in google to rectify this issue, as a result I came to know that we should update drivers to resolve that issue. I tried it and at last it worked. What I did was checking for updates in device manager for each and every component listed over there, and I found couple of driver updates and I got to install it. I don't know what this dell support assist app does, It told that my pc is up to date with drivers and how come I fond drivers in device manager? I have the latest version of dell support assist.



17.1K Posts

July 9th, 2020 04:00



You can install the driver updates from the Dell Website if support assist does not find any.  I cannot say why support assist did not detect the drivers. You can uninstall it and reinstall it then run a scan to see if SA will detect any new drivers. 



July 9th, 2020 07:00

Sure sir. Let me try your suggestion.

July 11th, 2020 22:00

Sir as you told I reinstalled dell support assist on my win10 pc. Now in that app I'm unable to complete my profile and when I ran a scan it didn't find any driver updates why? Please solve this support assist problems 1.png



26.4K Posts

July 11th, 2020 23:00

Thanks for writing in. I was unable to view the image. Could you upload the image on an image hosting site like Imgur or Google Drive and share the link?

July 12th, 2020 01:00

dell support assist problems 1.pngHere's the image.



26.4K Posts

July 12th, 2020 02:00

Thanks for writing in. I see that you're trying to create a support ticket using SupportAssist. May I know the reason you're trying to create a support ticket? Are you facing any issues with the system?
We could also assist you here with the issue.
Updates will only be visible if a driver update is available.

July 12th, 2020 03:00

Yeah, my pc is very slow and hangs frequently. Sometimes it shows a on-screen notification stating: your memory can't be detected. And out of eight days in a week, atleast two to three days when I boot my pc I get a on screen notification stating that my pc didn't boot properly, and it shows restore options. So I click on restart my pc option, after that my pc boots and desktop screen appears. But still my pc runs very slow. Whenever I run support assist hardware scan my system memory test is not running. And my pc uses lots of ram and disk space. It uses almost 100% of disk space every time and uses 3.1GB or above out of 4GB ram almost all the time even when there are no apps running. Please solve this issue.



26.4K Posts

July 12th, 2020 03:00

Could you share a picture of the task manager screen so that I can check the disk and memory utilization? Refer to this link to know how to check: 

You could also consider upgrading the memory as suggested earlier for batter performance.

July 12th, 2020 03:00

Sir, Also tell me solution for completing my profile in dell support assist as I have asked you earlier.

July 12th, 2020 03:00

task manager problem.png

It was actually 100% at the beginning and when I took screen snip it changed to 88%.

July 12th, 2020 07:00

Sir please send some reply.



26.4K Posts

July 12th, 2020 07:00


We have replied to you via private message. 


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