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May 11th, 2017 22:00

Setting Quota on Individual User - VNX NFS


We are going to have all Linux (i.e. NIS ) user's home directories on VNX NFS.

This NFS will be mounted on NIS server and set as auto, so any NIS user when logins into NIS client linux machine, his/her Home directory will be automounted to that client machine.

Now the thing is each user should be restricted with 5 GB of quota, and we have around 300 users.

I have configured below on our VNX 5400 for test purpose;

1) Created one File System TestHomeDirectories of 30 GB

2) Mounted File System to path /TestHomeDirectories

3) Exported File Systems as NFS shares /TestHomeDirectories

4) NFS shares can be listed on remote client via "showmount -e

5) On TestHomeDirectories file system > Properties > Quota Settings > have set Hard quota to 5 GB for test purpose

6) On remote client machine (right now not NIS client, since I am just testing quota is applied or not), I mounted NFS /TestHomeDirectories as /TestUser

7) Created TestUser1, TestUser2 & TestUser3 as 3 users


> When I do a normal copy operation into this 3 directories (TestUser1, TestUser2, TestUser3), it allows me to copy more than 5 GB into each directory.

So what should I do so that each individual user (i.e. each directory) can be restricted to 5 GB each?


1 Rookie


119 Posts

May 17th, 2017 03:00

Just to update you, this happens when looged in with root user. But on logging with non-root user it works as expected.

1 Rookie


119 Posts

May 12th, 2017 22:00

No one can help me ?

1 Rookie


119 Posts

May 13th, 2017 21:00

2 days, no one to help me here ?

8.6K Posts

May 16th, 2017 03:00

what does the quota report say ?

Are you sure you setup quota's correctly and understand the difference between user quotas and treequotas ?

The Managing Quotas on VNX PDF manual available from has explanation as well as CLI usage.


P.S.: This is a community forum - if you need immediate help please enagage EMC support through service request or customer service live chat

1 Rookie


119 Posts

May 16th, 2017 20:00

Thanks for the reply Rainer.

Below is the output of 2 commands;

# nas_quotas -check -start -mode online -fs TestHomeDirectories


# nas_quotas -report -user -fs TestHomeDirectories

Report for user quotas on filesystem TestHomeDirectories mounted on /TestHomeDirectories

Nothing to report as there is no quota usage.


I have referred the document "Using Quotas on VNX". For tree quotas, what I understand is quotas don't get applied into each individual directories withing the tree. So in my case TestHomeDirectories is root directory, and if I create tree /TestHomeDirectories/Tree1, limit is applicable as whole to Tree1 and not its sub directories. Hence I have not opted for Tree Quota, as we will have to create each tree as individual user, which is not feasible.

Am I doing something wrong in the steps I have mentioned above ?

     If Yes > then could you please help me to correct

     If No > Would like to know why the outcome is not as expceted, i.e. each user (each directory) is not getting restricted at 5 GB ?


8.6K Posts

May 17th, 2017 05:00

not sure what you mean - user quotas dont apply for root user

if you have files owned by non-root users in that fs for which user quotas are configured and your quota report shows "no quota usage" than either you dont have quotas enabled or not configured correctly.

Please take the time to go through the manual which explains all the steps.

Especially the concepts section.

If you setup a user quota of 5GB for user1 on a fs or tree it means that this user should only be able to create files with a total of 5GB in the complete fs/tree

This is just like traditional Unix quotas work.

treequotas are different - they restrict the total amount of space that a tree can use for all files (expect owned by root - changeable by param)

1 Rookie


119 Posts

May 18th, 2017 01:00

Yes Rainer,

I did the same which you have mentioned, but this was not working for "root" user. When I tried with non-root user it worked as expected > If you setup a user quota of 5GB for user1 on a fs or tree it means that this user should only be able to create files with a total of 5GB in the complete fs/tree

For treequotas, I guess I might have phrased incorrectly but my understanding is same what you wrote > treequotas are different - they restrict the total amount of space that a tree can use for all files (expect owned by root - changeable by param)

8.6K Posts

May 18th, 2017 03:00

It is pretty normal in Unix that the root user is NOT subject to user or group quotas

If you look at our quotas manual its actually mentioned there

so "not working" means works as designed

If you want to test user quotas then either su to the user id to create the files or chown them

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