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1 Rookie


2 Posts


July 26th, 2022 14:00

VMware Lifecycle Manager says is inaccessible or has invalid contents

Is anyone else having trouble with Dell's vmwaredepo for vcenter updates?

I have been using as the URL in VMware Update Manager for years. I've recently updated to vSphere 7 (now service is called Lifecycle Manager). Ever since the upgrade last week I'm getting task errors in VMware when it tries to sync updates. If I disable the download source then the task completes successfully. 

AFAICT, the URL is valid and returns some xml, but my vCenter is not happy with it. The Connectivity Status says Connected, but when I try to Sync Update I get an error:

A general system error occurred: A depot is inaccessible or has invalid contents. Make sure an official depot source is used and verify connection to the depot.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

July 26th, 2022 14:00

FWIW, I'm not using a proxy and I'm able to "curl -I" from the VCSA and get a 200 OK

1 Rookie


10 Posts

September 1st, 2022 09:00

Same here.

1 Message

January 17th, 2023 23:00

log in VCSA via Putty

You have to Run the following command stop the update manager service :

service-control –stop vmware-updatemgr

Run the following command to reset the Database of VMware Update Manager:

/usr/lib/vmware-updatemgr/bin/ reset-db

Run the following command to delete contents of the VMware Update Manager ( this will delete the contents of the VMware Update Manager)

rm -rf /storage/updatemgr/patch-store/*

You have done with fix , now start the pdate Manager Service and log out and log in .

Start the VMware Update Manager Service:
service-control –start vmware-updatemgr

All the best

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