This post is more than 5 years old
33 Posts
Unable to enable array pair in SRM using RecoverPoint shared site
I recently added a third RecoverPoint 4.1.P1 site to an existing RecoverPoint/SE after upgrading them to RecoverPoint/EX
I have configured SRM 6.0 between site A and C and between B and C (Site C has two SRM servers)
When I add the array manager pair to A and C, the one at A shows Enabled
When I add the array manager pair to B and C, the one at B shows Enabled
Under Array Based Replication I now see 4 array managers, one at A, one at B and two at C
If I select the first C array manager I show one enabled pair (A to C) and one Disabled Pair (B to C)
If I select the second C array manager I show one enabled pair (B to C) and one Disabled Pair (A to C)
I thought this was maybe how it was supposed to show up, but if I try to create a protection group is shows that all the pairs are disabled.
Am I doing something wrong?
What is the correct way to add both pairs of array managers?
I can't find any documentation on this.