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October 10th, 2018 14:00

License for TimeFinder SnapVx on VMAX All Flash 450FX


Does any one know if   i need to install a license for Time Finder SnapVx on VMAX All Flash 450FX with solutions enabler 8.4???

i found this info, but i need to make sure if  i need or i dont need it (License)

Best regards

October 10th, 2018 19:00

yes snapvx is a licensed feature. But VMAX series are already elicensed so you don't need to load license manually anymore. DellEMC CE will apply (based on sales order) and add elicenses into box for you while he is installing/upgrade it.

October 10th, 2018 18:00

I suppose "VMAX" here means VMAX1&2, not VMAX3 or VMAX AFA.

VMAX 1&2 don't have SnapVX feature so the license is "none" for them.

October 10th, 2018 19:00


thanks for your help

What about VMAX ALL FLASH, do I need a license for Time Finder SnapVX?

Best Regards

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