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This post is more than 5 years old


December 4th, 2005 00:00

XP & Spyware

I got a popup balloon in my system tray that won't go away. It reads as follows:
Windows has detected spyware infection.
It is recommended to use special antispyware tools to prevent data loss.
Windows will now download and install the most up-to-date antispyware for you.
Click here to protect your computer from spyware.
When you click on the balloon it takes you to a web site for Spy Ax software. The software then loads itself on your computer and starts to scan it. The scan only takes a few seconds then reports several incidents, however it will not let you clear any of these incidents with out purchasing the software.  The whole thing seamed wrong to me so I ran the antispy ware software I already had (webroot sweeper). This took 30 minutes to scan and reported several problems and cleared them out. One of these problems was a piece of software that told XP it was infected with spyware. I can only assume I have been hosed. I know I am not infected but I can not get this balloon to clear off my computer. And I am not about to send Spy Ax $50 to clear it for me. Does anyone have a clue how I can clear this balloon.

246 Posts

December 4th, 2005 12:00

This is a side note that the infection is called Puper or Popupper. The startup locate for these files are not located in HiJackThis. The files associated with this trojan are as follows:
Where %windir% is your Windows installation folder and '?' represents a random character from 0-9 and A-F (ex. HP1A8F.TMP).

47 Posts

December 6th, 2005 03:00

Thank you my friend; you've been very helpful.  Looks like one of us is computer savvy.  Where did you come across this information?  I tried it and it worked, one problem I have to get through finals.  Thanks again...enjoy the holidays

1 Message

January 1st, 2006 16:00

I also have the similar problem.
 got a popup balloon in my system tray that won't go away. It reads as follows:
Windows has detected spyware infection.
It is recommended to use special antispyware tools to prevent data loss.
Windows will now download and install the most up-to-date antispyware for you.
Click here to protect your computer from spyware.
When you click on the balloon it takes you to a web site for Spy fer software. The software then loads itself on your computer and starts to scan it. The scan only takes a few seconds then reports several incidents, however it will not let you clear any of these incidents with out purchasing the software.  The whole thing seamed wrong to me so I ran the antispy ware software I already had (webroot sweeper). This took 30 minutes to scan and reported several problems and cleared them out. One of these problems was a piece of software that told XP it was infected with spyware. I can only assume I have been hosed. I know I am not infected but I can not get this balloon to clear off my computer.
i tried the above commans and it didn't work for me.
could some one help me please

January 2nd, 2006 12:00

Search the web for something called "spyaxfix". I have lost the tread but I am sure you can find it with google.
No Events found!
