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March 2nd, 2010 17:00

Trend Micro Internet Security Will Not Uninstall

I have a new Windows 7 Professional 32-bit Latitude E6500 that's driving me crazy. It came with a trial version of Trend Micro Internet Security installed and it will not go away, at least not gracefully. Here's what I've tried so far:

  1. Uninstall via Programs and Features - It would get about 2/3 of the way through and hang for hours until you force a reboot. Didn't matter if I stopped services first.
  2. Remove from Start Menu - Trend Micro - Uninstall Trend Micro... this would launch the same installer with the same result.
  3. Try Windows Installer Cleanup Utility - This would flash some info on the screen too fast to read. In the end Trend Micro services were still listed.
  4. Use TISTOOL.EXE from Trend Micro, the "Trend Micro Diagnostic Tool". This actually seems to get rid of the application pretty well. Unfortunately it kills my network interfaces (Ethernet and Wireless) like I've never seen before. I could restore ethernet functionality by deleting the ethernet card under device manager and letting it get re-installed. But this didn't work for wireless. The wireless card is listed in the device manager and under Network Connections (and enabled). But there is no longer an option to detect wireless networks. I can only resolve the issue by performing a system restore to an earlier time. This of course brings Trend Micro back from the grave too.

The thought of formatting the hard drive and starting over because of this bundled crapware is really unappealing. I've read posts from others on the Internet with the exact same issue, but none provided a solution. I've been unable to find manual uninstall instructions. If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them.


October 2nd, 2013 11:00

Hi. I encountered a similar issue on a client's Latitude E5420.

When I ran the 'change' option (there was no 'uninstall' option) from the Programs & Features applet in Control Panel it gave me error 1719 and mentioned that the installer service could not be accessed.

I was able to uninstall like this:

Navigate to c:\program files (x86)\trend micro\client server security agent

find the file named ntrmv.exe (I'm not sure it was .exe because extensions were not being displayed).

right-click on ntrmv and click 'run as administrator'.

This produced the uninstaller and completed successfully.

2 Intern


5.8K Posts

March 2nd, 2010 21:00

I don't use TM, but maybe this will help:

1 Message

March 2nd, 2010 23:00

It appears that some of the Trend Micro Antivirus files or extensions on your computer system are corrupted (there are many reasons why that could have happened and too many to list here).

 Obviously you have tried by following the instructions from the - (Programs and Features) for Windows 7 to do your initial uninstall and that still didn’t work...

 Plus I am not sure if you have visited Trend Micro’s website's support page: Here's the link to their Diagnostic Tool Kit. Just read and follow the instructions there...

 Try that and see how you go there and if not for whatever reason and you still cannot uninstall Trend Micro you may have to look for a third party uninstaller like "Revo" or "Perfect Uninstaller" .

 Here’s the link for "Revo" it’s Free as far as I know...

 ...and here's the other link for "Perfect Uninstaller" this is not Free and it could cost you between $30-$40.

 This guy did a bit of write up about some of the problems with Trend Micro and placed some images on the page along with links to the software download etc...

Good luck with your problem, I hope that you find some of the information here useful.



May 27th, 2010 19:00

I have the same problem. 1st solution via start and run caused blue screen of death - thought that was a thing of the past.  How quickly we learn.  I tried a link supplied by Trend and, just like you, wiped out my internet card - could use either wireless or direct-link cat-5. I had to go through the system restore to get things back to where they were.  Can't believe this is so hard.  I have Pro, but that is not a permissable upgrade for the Dell installed Trend.  Unbelievable.  Right now, not too confident in either Dell or Trend.

July 25th, 2010 09:00

Did you ever figure out how to remove the Trend Micro Virus that Dell put on your system?

Dell put this virus on my system too, and I am frustrated as all get out trying to get rid of this virus.

I'm looking at buying another computer for my son, but, though I have purchased 30 dell's in my lifetime, I'm not buying another dell until I figure out how to remove this virus, and their support people haven't answered my emails over the past year about this. It is driving me crazy.

July 25th, 2010 11:00

  • The version of Trend is the "Dell version" that comes installed from the Dell factory.
  • The OS is Windows 7
  • The link you supplied DOES NOT work, well sort of.
    • This method does remove the Trend, but...
    • It also disables my network card so that I can't connect to the internet by either wireless or direct connect.
    • Thus, I can't then install anything.
  • I had to go back to to square one via selecting a last-known-good point.

I won't purchase a Trend product again.  I don't think one hand knows what the other is doing.


July 25th, 2010 11:00

It's not a virus but an anti-virus program that is generally considered one of the best.  My issue was that I have the Pro version and I wanted to install that on the laptop, BUT, apparently they're not compatible (unbelievably so since they're from the same software company).  To install the Pro, I had to uninstall the Dell version, which proved impossible.  I was able to uninstall enough to install Microsoft's Security Essentials.  To complete the un-install, I went to normal route through the Control Panel, THEN, I had to DELETE the actual items in the Start-All Programs area. 

You only need to un-install Trend IF you're going to replace it with some other anti-virus program that's NOT on Dell's option list.  If that's the case, when ordering, select "No Security Program Installed" option if available.  If not, when booting up initially, do not set up the Security Software (Right now Dell is using McAfee, perhaps because of the problems with Trend).  McAfee is more flexible in this regard.

Good luck 

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

July 25th, 2010 11:00

If you think you have a virus, please  post read on the Malware Removal Forum.

Please Read This Before Posting On the Malware Removal Forum

As far as your Trend Micro product, you did not mention the version, nor the operating system, so I will assume it is Trend Micro Internet Security for Dell - 16.6 on Windows 7 or Vista. Please refer to this page:

I hope this helps. :emotion-1:

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

July 25th, 2010 12:00

Dell put this virus on my system too, and I am frustrated as all get out trying to get rid of this virus.

I'm looking at buying another computer for my son, but, though I have purchased 30 dell's in my lifetime, I'm not buying another dell until I figure out how to remove this virus,

Thank you for the information, joshadams1411,but that is the comment I was replying to. I have not had a problem removing TM when I purchased a new system. You are correct: Do not run the setup to begin with.  That seems to be the difference in the ease of removing all pre-installed trials.


July 25th, 2010 14:00

Sorry. I had 2 threads up and I replied to the wrong one.

As far as it not being a virus - I maintain that it IS a virus given it refuses to go away on so many people's computers. I had it on 2 and after talking with Dell, we were able to get rid of it on one computer by reformatting the hard drive (low level) and reinstalling without TM. The other, we have software on that would be too hard to reinstall so we put up with the stupid TM box in the bottom corner all the time. But I can no longer say that no one I have met likes TM, since you obviously do, and I respect that. (And no, I am *not* being sarcastic.)

>when ordering select 'no security program installed'

Both of these computers were purchased from Dell back near the end of the days when they FORCED you to have this junk installed and then you could, theoretcially, uninstall it - that's how long we've been trying on these 2 computers to uninstall this 'virus'. Maybe now-a-days TM is better, but I will never buy their stuff again since they have caused more wasted time and effort than any virus I would ever get (I've only had one in over 30 years on over 100 computers in 4 companies I own.)

And, while Dell now gives the option of not installing stuff I don't want when I purchase, until this computer is fixed, I maintain I will not buy another Dell computer. I'm trying to use it as leverage/threat so hopefully someday it will get solved, or the computer is so old we throw it in the garbage, then I'll start buying from Dell again. So far, every set of instructions has failed for us (other than low level format to get rid of  a hidden partition where I assume TM is hiding to do its dirty work of refusing to be uninstalled.)

But again, I replied to the wrong thread in the first place - so forgive my ranting, I'll go post in the correct place now.

4 Posts

July 26th, 2010 06:00

Yes, I did figure out how to remove Trend Micro. Format the hard drive and reinstall everything except Trend Micro.  :emotion-14:

Obviously this is a lame answer but I couldn't find a better solution. I had just purchased the laptop for a customer and could not waste days of troubleshooting the issue.

July 26th, 2010 09:00

Lame or not, you got it done.  I just can't figure out how or why these multi-billion dollar companies with resources galore can't make our lives easier.  They all seem to have "brilliant" people staying up nights figuring how to make things "new and improved," when they are neither.  I could go into a litany of failures that Trend, Microsoft, Adobe and others have and continue to make in the name of "progress." 

Good luck.

26 Posts

December 8th, 2015 19:00

Brilliant! That really helped me. Now to get rid of all the other trialware!

February 11th, 2016 03:00

The guide I found that uses CMD and the registry on your link. I'm sure it's great, but I don't understand it.

1) Run cmd (Right-click on "Run as administrator") and then type: net use adminstrator activate:yes
2) Run msconfig.exe and task manager and stop all posible services/processes from TrendMicro, exit without restart
3) Run regedit.exe and RENAME the key HKLM/Software/TrendMicro to some other name, "TM" for example
4) Restart
5) same as 1: Run cmd (Right-click on "Run as administrator") and then type: net use adminstrator activate:yes
6) Run regedit.exe 
7) delete HKLM/Software/TrendMicro key 
Cool Then rename "TM" key back to "TrendMicro"
9) Go to Control Panel, select "Programs & Features", select "TrendMicro" and Run Uninstall from there. 

Other Option:

Can't remove Trend Micro in Windows 7? This video will show you how to fully delete it step by step with Perfect Uninstaller. You can easily uninstall Trend Micro internet Security in minutes.

Once you unistall TrendMicro Internet security, then Download Comodo internet security for 100% Virus Protection.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

February 11th, 2016 07:00

To the last two or three posters here:

Please realize that you're replying to a 6 year old thread... that already has acknowledged a Verified Answer.

To Stacey:

Your post, involving use of RegEdit, is risky... because if people misinterpret (or misuse) your suggestion, an improper change to one's registry has the potential to yield catastrophic results (including --- worst case scenario --- rendering one's system unbootable).    Suggesting that people back-up their registry before making changes would be prudent... but even so, editing one's registry is not the best advice for inexperienced users.

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