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This post is more than 5 years old


March 28th, 2006 14:00

Norton Antivirus LiveUpdate Problems

My Norton Antivirus Live Update stopped working about 2 weeks ago.  I began receiving errors that it could not connect to the server.  I searched everything on Symantec's site, and followed all of the possible resolutions, but that has now lead me to a new problem which tells me that LiveUpdate has encountered an internal error and I need to reinstall.  I have attempted to do this as well by following instructions on the Symantec site, but still no fix.  I think this problem started when I installed sp2 for XP.  Any suggestions?

10.4K Posts

March 28th, 2006 14:00


When you installed SP2 it could have created this issue. When you download (if you did download SP2) you should have your antivirus protection on. But when you install SP2 you need to turn off your antivirus protection.

Have 2 questions; 1 what version of Nortons are you running (example 2003 antivirus, internet security etc)

2. Did you download SP2 ? and did you copy or just update from site?



10.4K Posts

March 28th, 2006 15:00


Maybe I didn't word my post correctly. I'm not suggesting that they turn off virus protection because they have SP2, only that it's a good idea to turn it off when installing SP2. After the install you would naturally want to turn it back on.



2 Intern


2.2K Posts

March 28th, 2006 15:00

Just curious...why would anyone want to turn off their anti-virus program just because they have SP2?

3 Posts

March 28th, 2006 18:00

bamajim, to answer your questions, I downloaded and then ran the install.  Antivirus was off during the install.  I am running Norton Antivirus 2004.
When I try to reinstall Live Update, I receive error that it cannot be installed because it was not able to register one of the components and I need to have write access to the registry to install LiveUpdate.  I have administrative rights, so don't know why this is happening.

Message Edited by CUTigers on 03-28-2006 02:34 PM

10.4K Posts

March 28th, 2006 19:00


Your new firewall settings that came with SP2 are probably interfering with live updates. Below is a link to  Microsoft support article to address this.



It will be easier for you to view the settings change at the link provided than for me to cut and paste everything. If this does not resolve your concern please reply.

3 Posts

March 30th, 2006 03:00

bamajim, I have not been able to try the suggestion due to work issues.  Will try and let you know when complete.  Thanks again

1 Message

May 17th, 2006 11:00

OK! Just chining in here......I've been running XP Pro w/SP2 (upgraded from ME) for quite a while. I installed the XP upgrade as recommended and is running great. I do have an older machine however (886 MHZ Dimension 4100). No issues with NAV products up until I was told that I need to upgrade from 2002 to 2006 (NIS) to be XP Compatible!

My NAV Liveupdate will not download new virus definitions through live update! I think the software is broken....My system tray icon alerted me to an issue early on 05/14 that my virus defs were out of date. I've been working with the Symantec folks for 3 days. 2 complete uninstalls and reinstalls, dowloaded intelligent upadater...ran exec...did online full system scan for infection and still can't downlaod virus defs any later than 4/30/2006. I've followed every recommendation so far that Symantec has to offer.  Still broken!


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