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April 26th, 2017 13:00

MBAM 3 questions

Had to wipe and reinstall everything on my laptop.  [:'(]

I downloaded and installed MBAM 3.0.6 which seems to be a free trial. If I don't want to purchase a subscription, will this trial revert to a free version like I previously had?

I previously was running MBAE (free) all the time and only used MBAM (free) for occasional scans. Will the MBAE function in MBAM 3.0.6 continue to run if I don't upgrade to the paid subscription?


3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

April 27th, 2017 06:00


First of all, I apologize profusely for incorrectly reading your post... I failed to note that you were speaking about both mbaM and mbaE :emotion-6:    My response was just about reverting the trial version of mbaM3 to the free equivalent of mbaM2 .   My error.  

For those who are not familiar, MBAM3 combines the workings of 4 separate programs:   the anti-MALWARE features of mbaM2, the anti-EXPLOIT features of mabE, the anti-RANSOMEWARE features of mbaRW, and the anti-ROOTKIT features of mbaR.

When you install mbaM3, it automatically uninstalls mbaE and mbaRW.  

The PAID/PRO [and TRIAL] version of mbaM3 offers users access to all of its REAL-TIME protection features.   The FREE version does NOT offer any real-time protection --- meaning you lose the real-time anti-malware, malicious website, anti-exploit, and anti-ransomware protection.   The free version, similar to mbaM2, is simply an ON-DEMAND SCANNER for malware (including rootkits).

For those interested, MalwareBytes is keeping around mbaE and mbaRW as "perpetual betas".   Technically, this means they are TESTING these programs, both to add features as well as fix bugs, before the updated modules are integrated into mbaM3.   I have been using mbaE for years, and in my experience, despite being labeled as "beta", it has been an amazingly stable product.   Its continuing/ongoing development is documented in ;
as of this writing, the latest version is, which can be downloaded either by going through the above link, or directly from which warns you that "This type of file can be harmful.  Only download this file from a trusted source."   I've downloaded/ installed this, and it's safe.

I believe that you can download/install this mbaE "beta" AFTER downgrading to the FREE version of mbaM3 [or certainly, alongside mbaM2].   If you do so, keep in mind that any time mbaM3 updates its program (either internally or via complete download), you will probably lose the separate mbaE --- until you install it yet again.   [I'm hoping it's merely mbaM program updates, rather than the daily definition updates, that may remove mbaE.]  

I'm assuming you were using the free mbaE, meaning you didn't add any customized programs to its exploit monitoring.   (The paid mbaE allows users to add coverage for programs of their choice... and I'm assuming mbaM3 overrides this.   By the way, when mbaE ups to its next "significant" version, 1.10.x, they intend to offer this feature, to add user-selected programs, for everyone!   I believe I may know of a way to save the datafile listing the user-added / customized programs... I will have to get back on this point.)

As for continuing to use mbam2, the word is that MB is planning to forcibly "retire" mbaM2 some time in June, by no longer offering definition updates for it.   I'd hate to see that happen, given the highly problematic status of mbaM3.   Hoprefully, MB will reconsider... at least until all the issues with mbaM3 are fully resolved.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

April 26th, 2017 14:00

MBAM 3.x trial should revert to free version, either when the trial period expires, or by you selecting to terminate the trial immediately (I'm pretty sure you can do that).

It should then behave like the free version always had... with one exception (from 2.x):   when you close the UI, the icon will still remain in the task bar.   You can right-click to close/quit the icon, which now (3.x)requires user/UAC confirmation.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

April 26th, 2017 17:00

So I terminated the free trial and that disabled exploit protection along with disabling web protection, malware protection and ransomware protection. Exactly what I was afraid would happen.

So basically, there's no free version of MBAE once you install MBAM 3.x.  :emotion-12:

Guess I'll have to look around for MBAM 2.x and separate MBAE.  But who knows how much longer free 2.x and MBAE will be supported..??

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

April 26th, 2017 19:00

"Guess I'll have to look around for MBAM 2.x and separate MBAE.  But who knows how much longer free 2.x and MBAE will be supported..??"

That's the setup I have and it will stay that way for the time being. This new version is turning out to be not entirely customer friendly. Still get the infernal nags to go with MB-3 every time I fire up.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

April 27th, 2017 11:00

Thanks for all that info.

When setting up my Win 10 laptop after the crash and clean install, I installed mbaE first so it was active while I downloaded all the other apps I wanted to install.

I grabbed mbaM3, instead of M2, not realizing it would uninstall mbaE. It said E wasn't compatible with M3.

The free trial started and included the E feature. Since I only wanted the free version of M3, I ended the trial and that terminated the E feature.  Didn't try reinstalling mbaE after ending the free trial.

Anyway, I uninstalled M3 and installed M2 and E. So back to everything is happy, for now.

Be bad if they stop supporting M2 in June. Does that also mean E won't be supported beyond June too? If that happens I guess that will be the time to try installing M3, terminating the trial, and seeing if E will still install and run.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

April 27th, 2017 12:00

mbaE and mbaRW are both in PERPETUAL BETA... they will be continued as such "indefinitely".  

So mbaE will not be impacted in any way, should mbaM2 be "terminated" in June.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

April 27th, 2017 13:00

Still remains to be seen is if MBAE will run when installed after the free (lite) version of MBAM3.x.

issues with Win 10 related to the Creators Update but I see that MS has halted rolling out that Update (I haven't received it yet).

Not aware they've stopped rolling out Win 10 Creators Update. If you go to the MS download site for Win 10, you'll get the Creators Update, either an ISO for clean installation or as an in-place upgrade. 

I did in-place update on my Inspiron lappy running Win 10 Pro Anniv Update from that site and it seemed to work ok for 2-3 days. Then suddenly, the lappy stopped recognizing the charger and kept saying "non-recommended battery".  And then it stopped booting from the HDD. Had to wipe the HDD and clean install the Creators Update via the downloaded ISO. And that's how I fell into this morass about installing MBAM and MBAE.

Not saying you should or shouldn't wait for Windows Update to offer Creators Update, but back up your personal files first, either way! And there's been at least one large WU update to Creators since I did the clean install this week.

Like I had nothing better to do with my time...  :emotion-12:

2 Intern


5.8K Posts

April 27th, 2017 13:00

Folks are understandably reluctant to switch to MB3, so I'll add my 2 cents.

The latest list of known issues with MB3 (updated April 25) is here:

The latest version of MB3 (3.06 CU4.1, released March 29) and the issues adressed is discussed here:

It appears most of the issues initially encountered have been addressed, and most that are left relate to conflicts with other programs (F-Secure, Macrium Reflect, Bitdefender) or to settings from older versions that are not migrating. There are also some issues with Win 10 related to the Creators Update, but I see that MS has halted rolling out that Update (I haven't received it yet).

It is difficult to know when it is reasonable or "safe" to upgrade any program version. If one were to go by problems reported in the Malwarebytes forum alone, one would probably  never upgrade. (This is true for any program forum). From discussions in the MB3 forum, it appears a new release will happen in about 2 weeks, so maybe folks will want to wait until then. Or until support for MBAM 2x is dropped altogether. (I doubt they would discontinue support of 2x while any significant issues to MB3 were still prevalent).

All that said, I can state that the latest version of MB3 Premium has been running well on my Win XP, Win 7 Pro, and Win 10 Pro systems for some time, and none gave me any installation/upgrading problems. On my Win XP/sp3 MB3 is currently the only real-time protection I'm using as an AV. However, like others, as a precaution I  am still using MBAM 2x Premium on my workhorse Win 7 desktop, and will continue to do so as long as it is supported.

Finally, I would note that my experience with MB3 and MBAM products has been limited to the paid (Pro/Premium) versions for years (I have never used the standalone mbaE or mbaRW). This probably deserves some explanation, as I'm on record as an advocate of free security solutions, and haven't purchased any with an annual subscription fee in many years. As I recall, about 8 or 9 years back, paid lifetime licences of MBAM 1.x were offered for a bargain-basement price of about $20 each, and I snapped up a handful at that time. All of them were honored with every subsequent version upgrade. Over the years, MBAM never gave me much trouble, and I consider those one-time purchases the best security investment I ever made. Alas, Malwarebytes hasn't offered lifetime licences in years. I'm not sure if I would personally pony up the current annual subscription fee for MB3 Premium of $51.99/PC. Particularly as long as I could still get mbaE and mbaRW beta.

Lifecycle support for malwarebytes products:

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

April 27th, 2017 13:00


Not aware they've stopped rolling out Win 10 Creators Update.


2 Intern


5.8K Posts

April 27th, 2017 19:00

Not aware they've stopped rolling out Win 10 Creators Update.

Sorry, Ron, for taking this thread a bit off topic.

I misspoke, and should have been clearer. I didn't mean to imply that the Win 10 Creator Update had been recalled, or was no longer available to download. Ky's link gives a better explanation. It appears MS is selectively blocking Creator installation via Automatic Updates on certain PCs. I don't know if this is why I have not yet been offered this update, as the roll-out is gradual. (I've always considered this a "beta 2" phase for newly released versions).

The conflict between MB3 and the Win 10 Creator Update involves MS Office 2016 programs not working, and is outlined with a workaround here:

As for getting the Creator Update, I'm in no hurry to "rush in where angels fear to tread". In fact, I have my Win 10 Pro update settings set to "Defer feature updates". I'm not sure how long this defers it. Meanwhile, I religiously back up ...

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

April 28th, 2017 08:00

Okay, I played the "guinea pig", and installed mbaE "on top of" an existing mbaM3 FREE installation, and as best as I can tell (via its popup messages, and Process Explorer), the separate mbaE program is working correctly (despite the separate copy inside mbaM remaining disabled --- a "Premium Only" feature).

I then installed an updated version of mbaM FREE which, as expected, removed the mbaE... which I was able to then re-install yet again.  

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

April 28th, 2017 10:00

Okay, I played the "guinea pig", and installed mbaE "on top of" an existing mbaM3 FREE installation, and as best as I can tell (via its popup messages, and Process Explorer), the separate mbaE program is working correctly (despite the separate copy inside mbaM remaining disabled --- a "Premium Only" feature).

I then installed an updated version of mbaM FREE which, as expected, removed the mbaE... which I was able to then re-install yet again.  

Thanks for that info. Good to know if/when they stop supporting M2,  but it sounds more like cat and mouse than "guinea pig".  :emotion-5:

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

April 28th, 2017 11:00

I don't know if this is why I have not yet been offered this update, as the roll-out is gradual.

If you have a Broadcom Bluetooth radio in your PC, that's why you haven't gotten Creators Update. They've withholding it from those systems because Creators appears to disable that BT radio.

Besides, the last info I saw said ~10% of Win 10 users have gotten the update. So you're not alone in not having it.

I did an in-place update which subsequently failed but a clean install seems to be working correctly.  Haven't tested BT yet, but my lappy has a Dell WiFi+BT card, which I believe is Intel, not Broadcom.

Creators Update changes the way and time you can defer security and features updates. So you'll need to investigate that if you want to continue deferring updates.

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

April 28th, 2017 14:00

Besides, the last info I saw said ~10% of Win 10 users have gotten the update. So you're not alone in not having it.

Joe, I have not been offered Creators Update on anything -- all having Intel BT.
It is being rolled out to new systems first. However, as of today when I checked, my new laptop that was introduced to the US market early in April does not have it yet. We'll have to be patient.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

May 1st, 2017 05:00

Concerning mba E [which has been discussed in much of this thread]:  
The last "stable" release --- that is to say, one which has been pushed-out via the program's internal updater --- is still 84. 
There have been two subsequent beta builds, each of which addressed a specific problem/fix:
     x.13 94:  -Fix for HP print scanning issue. 
     x.13 96:  -Fix for IE freezing issue
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