This post is more than 5 years old
3 Apprentice
15.4K Posts
July 3rd, 2007 23:00
Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 update 2 now available
for Windows XP Home or Professional; Vista; 2000 Server or Professional; Server 2003
There are several programs available on this page... please be sure to download the one marked
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6u2
Note that Java SE 6 [aka 1.6] does not provide support for Windows 98 or Windows ME.
Trying to install the Java SE Runtime Environment on a non-supported version of Microsoft Windows or on a machine that doesn't have a sufficiently up-to-date Service Pack will cause the installer to generate this warning: "We recommend that you do not install this Java platform for the following reasons: This Java platform does not support the operating system or operating-system service pack on this machine."
The latest Java for Win98/ME is Version 5.0 Update 12, and can be obtained here:
Nit-picking: It apparently is the case that Java 6 will in fact "run" on the older Win98/ME... just that Microsoft does not "support" such usage (should anything go wrong).
Message Edited by ky331 on 07-05-2007 03:16 PM
3.3K Posts
July 7th, 2007 03:00
I noticed a flaw with this update from the start. If you use OpenOffice, at least I know you are not able to use the "Web Page" wizard for lack of a compatible runtime environment. Don't know about Microsoft Office..maybe somebody else?
I uninstalled u2 and reinstalled u1...works like a charm. I think I'll wait a bit.
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
15.4K Posts
July 7th, 2007 11:00
EDIT: Concerning OpenOffice, it turns out that "on the horizon" for version 3.0 means a Beta release is expected in April '08, a "Release Candidate" in July '08, and a final release in Sept. '08
Version 2.3 expected to be released Sept. '07; 2.3.1 in Nov. '07
Version 2.4 expected to be released in Feb. '08
Message Edited by ky331 on 07-08-2007 10:42 AM
3.3K Posts
July 7th, 2007 19:00
As a caveat for other casual readers, I noticed when I installed the updated OO version, it came with the Java6u1 and the runtime environment (another extra 35 MB's or so).
I had to uninstall both of those, redownload a fresh javav6u2 and things are back to normal.
Thanks Dave for the heads up.
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
15.4K Posts
July 7th, 2007 21:00
"The Java Runtime Engine (JRE) is required for the Base (database) component of OpenOffice.org as well as several other features. By default the OpenOffice.org installer will install this additional piece of software as well. For more information: Java & OpenOffice.org [which elaborates:].
Java is required for complete OpenOffice.org functionality. Java is mainly required [to] for the HSQLDB database engine (used by our database product Base) and to make use of accessibility and assistive technologies. Furthermore some wizards rely on Java technology. If you do not require these features, then you do not need to Java installed for running OpenOffice.org.
So what does this imply for me? Base (the database component) relies completely on Java technologies to run, but other programs (like Writer, Calc and Impress) only need Java for special functionality. We do recommend you however to have a Java Runtime Environment on your system, and therefore our default installation offerings includes a JRE (which adds about 15MB to the total download size).
If you have already Java installed there is no need to download the OpenOffice.org installer with Java.
If you choose not to download OpenOffice.org with Java (or just forgot about it) you can easily install Java afterwards to get the missing functionality to work."
Message Edited by ky331 on 07-07-2007 07:00 PM
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
15.4K Posts
July 8th, 2007 01:00
Message Edited by ky331 on 07-07-2007 10:08 PM