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January 16th, 2017 03:00

ViPR with replicated Isilons and Superna Eyeglass

Hello everyone.

I have the following constellation in a customer project:

Two replicated Isilon systems with superna eyeglass for the failover automation. Beside this, the customer is currently running a ViPR integration for the heterogenous datacenter management worldwide - means ViPR controller.

Everything was fine until EMC stopped the ViPR integration part because that constellation is NOT supported and actually not working right now. There seems to be no way right now, that ViPR is capable of managing Isilons with Superna Eyeglass Software up front.

I checked the forum, the support matrix and Google - no hit on any search criterias I could think of. Superna Eyeglass is not mentioned in the ViPR Support Matrix, neither working nor not working. :-)

So, just in case anyone else plans to implement this: DON´T DO IT! :-)

We are in close discussion with EMC right now to get it on the road map. As soon as I get any news on this topic, I will update that case.



57 Posts

January 16th, 2017 04:00

Hi Terence,

There is no known issue with vipr controller and Eyeglass.  Can you clarify what does not work.  Eyeglass can sync VIPR created shares or exports without any issue.  The location in the filesystem is /ifs/vipr......   so you need a syncIQ policy created to protect the VIPR data.

Can you explain how this is setup with SyncIQ.

We have not tested VIPR controller explicitly but I don't see anything that would not work.  The shares and exports created by VIPR are not special in anyway.



January 16th, 2017 05:00

Hi Andrew...

Well that is strange. The last statement we got from an EMC SE was, that it´s an actual show stopper. We did not yet set up the Isilons in any way. The Superna Eyeglass Installation is scheduled for monday and from there, we will continue to deploy the rest of the config and the file migrations. I will double check the statement we got from EMC and who actually said that it wouldn´t work in the first place. Will get back to you as soon as possible.

Greetings and thank you for your reply


57 Posts

January 16th, 2017 05:00

if you can get the technical answer from the SE.   I see no technical issues at all, and would like to understand them if there are any.   If its just a "not listed on the matrix" response that is different.



57 Posts

January 16th, 2017 06:00

shares won´t "show up"...  They will but only requirement is a SyncIQ policy is created to protect the VIPR shares and exports (a single policy could be used to protect all VIPR shared data on Isilon.

Other than the above  all standard failover features are supported DFS mode, Access zone failover for VIPR created data.



January 16th, 2017 06:00

We are waiting for the statement from EMC support right now. It might be related to the "not tested" statement in case of support calls.
One statement I got already was, that ViPR created shares won´t "show up" in Superna and Vice Versa. But anway. Let´s see what the EMC ViPR Support says.

57 Posts

January 19th, 2017 04:00

Here is the results of quick test that shows Eyeglass protects VIPR configuration without any issues.

Setup was the following:

  1. source cluster onefs 7 with vipr 3.5 installed and it created shares and exports
  2. target cluster onefs 8 (to show Eyeglass can protect vipr even when source and target clusters are different versions)

vipr provisioned shares and exports.png

vipr production cluster share.png

vipr production cluster export.png

vipr production resources .png

DR cluster before Eyeglass protects

DR cluster before eyeglass sync.png

dr cluster before eyeglass sync 2.png

Eyeglass job showing vipr configuration data to be protected

eyeglass job protecting vipr shares and exports .png

Eyeglass job running and creates shares and export on DR cluster (onefs 8)

eyeglass creating shares and exports on DR cluster.png

DR Cluster after eyeglass job runs showing newly created vipr configuration

after eyeglass protects vipr on dr shares.png

after eyeglass protects vipr on dr exports.png

At this point failover is normal eyeglass failover access zone or DFS mode would work fine to failover the vipr configuration (SPN's, dual delegation zero DNS, quota failover, etc....).  So from a DR view.  No issues to protect Vipr configuration data and failover

The only thing I can not answer is if the source site and VIPR install are destroyed, how does new vipr installation at the DR site needs to inventory , and ingest the existing configuration data that is now writeable on DR cluster.

This set of procedures should already exist for VIPR customers, I have not looked for it.  VIPR can ingest inventory existing clusters.  This would be normal VIPR DR recovery procedure at this point  since all data and configuration is failed over by Eyeglass.

I suggest sending this thread to VIPR team to review.  They can contact me as well if needed.


January 20th, 2017 03:00

Thank you very much Andrew for all the work you did to write this. I forwarded this article to the EMC team, let´s see what they say.



57 Posts

January 20th, 2017 03:00

January 23rd, 2017 02:00

Did not yet get an answer but I´m still tracking the topic. I´ll keep you informed about it ASAP.

January 26th, 2017 04:00

The checks will take approximately six weeks for the EMC team to finalize every test. If it´s finished earlier, I´ll get back to here immediately.

Thanks for your support Andrew.

57 Posts

January 26th, 2017 05:00

we are in contact with VIPR engineering now on this testing.



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