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This post is more than 5 years old


March 3rd, 2018 13:00

ViPR default port 4443


I'm struggling to make vipr work behind a reverse proxy because of the 302 redirect when accessing the ViPR service.

How can we change the default 4443 port to 443 ?

The 4443 wont be opened by network security, any way to change the ViPR default port to standard https ?

Why 4443 ?


92 Posts

March 5th, 2018 06:00

I don't think there's anyway to not use https for security reasons. 

March 8th, 2018 00:00


Obviously, i do not want to discard the https use.

My problem here, is that the initial 302 redirect to the 4443 port and a different url makes it hard to configure and accessible behind an apache reverse proxy.

And if the port cannot be customized (4443 to 443 for a web user access or rest api calls), a reverse proxy configuration should be provided.. in my opinion.

So we're willing to open the service for end users, and we're stuck on that single point.

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